About Singapore A50ETF views(Here are literate in Chinese friends?)

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by richard patet, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. I do not understand English, is the use of google translator to write these words。

    I think it is amazing, because I saw a friend of America is also using K-line and crossed to analyze stock chart。(我觉得很神奇,因为我看到美国的朋友也在使用K线图和划线来分析股票)

    Forum differences between the two countries is too great(两个国家的论坛差异实在太大了)

    Singapore A50ETF is an ETF we can see, is about the Shanghai Securities Exchange 50ETF(新加坡A50ETF是我们都能看到的一个ETF,是关于上海证券交所的50ETF)

    Few people in the United States to analyze its specific movements(在美国大家很少去分析它的具体走势),But there are a lot of people would do in China(但是在中国却有很多人会去做),Perhaps in the eyes of these investments mature naive(也许在成熟的投资人眼里这很幼稚)But it is indeed very interesting, because it really can be predicted(但这确实很有趣,因为确实能够预测出来)

    In the following I will paste a signal diagram(在下面我会贴一张信号图)
  2. This is a signal diagram 50ETF(这是50ETF的信号图)
  3. If you know Chinese, you can watch this video, it is very detailed(如果你懂中文,你可以看这段视频,它非常详细)

    Video http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjk3NjA3ODA0.html

    If you do not understand Chinese, I slowly explained below(如果你不懂中文,我下面慢慢说明)

    A50ETF in these years to go a big bear market is now very cheap, But that 50 companies do not like their price performance so bad, they have good performance, strong cash flow(A50ETF在这几年走了一个大熊市,现在非常便宜,但是这50家公司并不像它们的股价表现的那么糟糕,它们有很好的业绩,充沛的现金流)

    Americans do not understand the Chinese believe that China's economy will collapse, China's economy is indeed a big problem, but this is 50 the company's current share price has been as low as the price of China's economy after the collapse, why short selling it?(不了解中国的美国人认为中国经济会崩溃,中国经济确实有很大问题,但是这50家公司目前的股价已经低到中国经济崩溃后的价格了,为什么还要沽空呢?)
  4. The essence of the stock market ver1.0 software developed my own, but I'm not professional, this software can be downloaded here(股市的真谛ver1.0 软件是我自己开发的,但我不是专业人士,这个软件可以在这里下载 )

    download link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWHIrEW