Abortion is a Human Right!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 2cents, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. I'm in full agreement about the option ought to be available. And I'll always side against theocratic oppressive bullying in defense of the option.

    But, if the theocratic element somehow got eliminated, I can't help but wonder if at the time of conception, the girl, gives up sole sovereignty of her body and has entered into a shared responsibility.
    #31     Jan 2, 2008
  2. neophyte321

    neophyte321 Guest

    sorry, I grossly underestimated the list of arguments for abortion, Apparently abortion is perfectly fine and dandy because I have never adopted a child.

    i've never impregnanted a woman unintentionally.

    Look, it makes me cringe every time abortion is brought up in the polictal arena. I think making abortion illegal is untenable. However, it is certainly a revealing topc, as I would likely never vote for someone who made gross rationalizations for the practice of vaccumming a fetus from a mother's womb.

    good luck, god bless :)
    #32     Jan 2, 2008
  3. No disrespect, but besides listing "arguments for abortion" and mocking I don't see your contribution or contrary argument. My argument about adoption is because I believe someone with strong and extreme morals should be able to back them up with actions and not simply preach views. So any parent who has accepted their young teenage daughter having a baby, a close person of a rape victim who had the child or someone who adopts children who were not wanted by their respective parents, is the person I’d like to hear speak out about their pro-life views.

    I don't have issues with pro-life or choice. You do what you believe is correct and I'll do what I believe is correct. But I do feel that the right to make the choice without being attacked by fanatics is most important.
    #33     Jan 2, 2008

  4. Good for you, but it's a bit naff that your goodiness is the benchmark for everyone.

    Further, the supposed values and general christian goodiness you allude to, ignores the various other abortion practices used in times past (and still) , by many who would likely claim the same goodiness.

    Such as coathangers, beatings (normally by the husband of course) , pennyroyal and various other instruments of hypocrasy.
    #34     Jan 2, 2008
  5. seems like that to you cause you choose to ignore the principle you've just quoted, and choose to infringe upon the unalienable rights of women to decide what to do with their bodies and whatever goes inside them... typical oppressing bigot behaviour...

    as for a person kicking a pregnant woman with an intent to cause an abortion against her will, the intent to destroy a fetus or an embryo against the carrier's will should indeed be severely punished...
    #35     Jan 2, 2008
  6. neophyte321

    neophyte321 Guest

    it's than a matter of intent. what if the person doing the kicking knew better then the girl that she was not ready to be a mother or did't really want to have a child?

    you people are pigs... really rather disgusting.

    "A Human Right"... what is your opinion on the Chinese practice of aborting girls to avoid baring them?

    see, another problem with you is, YOU STAND FOR NOTHING GOOD ... only disgrace
    #36     Jan 2, 2008
  7. They die for my pleasure.. it's a noble cause
    #37     Jan 2, 2008
  8. Do you mean, "it's then, a matter of intent".

    Your equating all abortions, , 2nd/third party inflicted included, as the same, as a knowing, considered one, is that right?
    I may have missed a bit there somewhere, but you said it was an emotive issue, so, you know.

    edit-I notice your spelling is below par, perhaps your a bit "tired and emotional", but that happens to everyone, occasionaly.
    #38     Jan 2, 2008
  9. Common sense doesn't regsiter with the fanatics, annaland. It's nice to see you try, but your words are lost on them.

    Sorry, I do use pejoratives to describe them because I've been overwhelmed by the heartlessness and cruelty they display.
    #39     Jan 2, 2008
  10. neophyte321

    neophyte321 Guest

    no, chinese women WILLINGLY abort girls. according to 2cents, it's their human right to do so.

    #40     Jan 2, 2008