Abercrombie and Fitch-discrimination or capitalism?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Dec 7, 2003.

  1. Daxtrader


    lol, honestly..have you ever read any of them?
    #31     Dec 8, 2003
  2. Why not ask equally if I read snobby fare like Town and Country and Vanity Fair?

    The answer is yes, I have read some (if not all) of the magazines I mentioned above from time to time.

    #32     Dec 8, 2003
  3. Closer to reality than you know.

    Three years ago I went with my wife (then girlfriend) to my favorite amusement park in the world- Busch Gardens near Tampa Bay. At Busch Gardens they have like a mini-Safari where you get a guided trolley tour and see all sorts of exotic wild animals. So the guide chick who was on the trolley speakers explaining all about the animals was <b>completely incoherent</b>. she had a ridiculously thick Asian Indian accent. You could make out one or two words here and there, but understanding full sentences was impossible for anybody on the tour. All around us people were looking at each other with baffled/annoyed expressions. The whole tour was just a sad parody of political correctness gone mad.

    It's good to see that we're all unanimous here that ANF should have the right to hire who they want. Alfonso doesn't really count because he's young & naive, and will completely change his mind about this long before he turns 22.
    #33     Dec 9, 2003
  4. Did anyone who watched the 60-minutes catch the BLACK lawer who was interviewed (I forgot his name). He very bluntly stated that the minorities should stop the whining and complaing and that ANF has every right to hire who they choose if that fits the corporate image they want to project.

    I live in a predominately minority (black) neighborhood. It is trurly sad to say that this experience has made both me and my wife somewhat prejudice. Talk about white folks being racist, think again. The majority of the black people where I live are the most racist people that I have ever been around.

    The problem is that the liberals have catered to them so much that just because they are minorities they feel that they are entiltled to whaterver they want and that they can get it by crying discrimination. Take a look at the contoversy going on at Texas A&M and the decision to not use race as a factor for admission. The minorities are threatning a lawsuit and all sort of other stuff. Absolutely unbelievable.
    #34     Dec 9, 2003
  5. A trader who I back (I don't make a habit of backing traders, just this one friend who's extremely ambitious, bright & Objectivist.) was really late to show up for a meeting with me last month.
    He (black guy with a very cheap looking car ) calls me after a while from the police station, saying he was pulled over by the cops in a certain white middle class neighborhood. He wasn't speeding or doing anything wrong at all. The cops said some bullshit about him having unpaid tickets (which wasn't true) and detained him at the police station for an hour or two. He was pissed off, naturally, but not even once did he state the obvious by complaining that he was only pulled over because he was black.

    In other words, even when he probably was the victim of real discrimination, he didn't say one word about it, and just kind of shrugged it off.(Even though he really did have every right to complain about racism.) <b>That</b> is the type of minority who succeeds in life. Someone who's too hard working and focused on success to bother whining about discrimination, real or imaginary. Jesse Jackass and his ilk are doing African-Americans a massive disservice by instilling in them the <b>loser</b> mentality of constantly crying racism and waiting for everything to get handed to them. This is the exact opposite strategy of what they need to do, to achieve economic parity in this country.
    #35     Dec 9, 2003
  6. To a point, I agree, but if all blacks like your trader associate never complained of racial profiling and just accepted it, why would it ever end?
    #36     Dec 9, 2003
  7. I totally see your point. Of course if all African-Americans were like my friend, there would be <b>zero</b> black crime, and cops would racially profile everyone but blacks.

    No easy answers.
    #37     Dec 9, 2003
  8. Yezzum, mazzer, just like you say.
    #38     Dec 9, 2003

  9. Huh?
    #39     Dec 9, 2003
  10. Pabst


    Well said. Here in Chicago, about 97% of violent crime is committed by blacks and Latino's. In fact the per capita murder rate in Cook County is 50 times higher in the minority community than among whites. Police are in the "business" of fighting crime. Their "best customer's" are minorities. As law enforcement becomes increasingly mandated to move away from crime prevention and into the narrow responsibility of crime investigation, the argument for the preservation 2nd amendment rights becomes more compelling. The court's have laid down the gauntlet. You had better be able to protect yourself.
    #40     Dec 9, 2003