AAPL could be in trouble

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by fantastic4, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. uptick1


    That's the problem with technical analysis is, it's based on where a certain line displays on a chart and not what is happening in the real world. Prudential a while back ago, got rid of their technical analysts because none of it holds any value in the long run.

    Everyone and their uncle owns or WANTS an apple or a blackberry phone. Walk around any business office complex and people are walking around with blackberrys to their ear. Walk around a college campus and kids have apple iphones to their ear.

    The majority of society I see in the future are going to be owning an iphone or blackberry.

    I think your wrong in thinking these cell phone companies are going to go down. Technology is improving every day and we have only scratched the surface of what we can use these devices for.
    #31     Mar 15, 2009
  2. throw away the charts. buy aapl, ma, v , bidu, aapl, goog, on all dips
    #32     Mar 15, 2009
  3. And if the SandP goes to 500, what will happen to those tickers?
    #33     Mar 15, 2009
  4. but that wont happen
    #34     Mar 15, 2009