a_person's debating style

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sameeh55, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. Tresor


    What's even more funny the guy has categorised me in all possible negative ways accross many threads:
    (i) a leftist (although I time and again proven myself to be libertarian and pro-market in economics threads on ET),
    (ii) an anti-semite (althugh I time and again proven to be pro-semitic, but anti-zionist),
    (iii) islamo-nazi (although I am an atheist and anti-totalitarian)
    (iv) and what not...

    The guy is not consistient :D
    #21     Oct 30, 2009
  2. Ricter


    "Consistient", is that a contraction for consistently sentient?

    j/k ; )
    #22     Oct 30, 2009
  3. It is not easy to remain a racist oppressor and it is getting harder to keep deflecting the critics by being that verbally abusive. The Human Rights Council accuses Israel of war crimes in Gaza and the Israeli government panics and deals with it as a public relations challenge!. Israeli human rights groups challenge Israel home demolitions in Jerusalem and a UN experts' panel names Israel as profiting from Ivory Coast blood diamonds. Heads are buried in the sand. Israeli leaders are either foregoing trips (to Europe where they may be arrested for war crimes) or going to speak and heckled and challenged by human rights activists (e.g. Olmert's tour of the US). Israel is being called to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Spain is fuming after Netanyahu asks the right-wing government of Italy to retain control of UNIFIL. Amnesty study shows how much Israel steals Palestinian water and deprives Palestinians of water. And the list is endless.
    #23     Oct 30, 2009
  4. Tresor


    Zionist will pay for their crimes sooner or later. The sooner the better for the rest of the world.
    #24     Oct 30, 2009
  5. Ricter


    What races are you referring to?
    #25     Oct 30, 2009
  6. The 100 meter ones.
    #26     Oct 30, 2009
  7. Absolutely, there are three main categories of Israel haters - islamonazis, antisemites and uber-leftists. There may be a few exceptions here and there but the overwhelming majority of Israel haters do fall into one of those three. That's your camp buddy, deal with it.

    Of course they tend to deny it but their actions speak louder than words. Tresor is a good example. He has posted every single antisemitic (not anti-zionist but antisemitic) conspiracy theory from the Protocols and has come up with a few of his own theories, yeah, the same old theories about JOOOZ ruling the world, brainwashing the public and stealing whatever they can get their hands on, blaming the jews for Communism, Capitalism, the Holocaust, Holodomor (famine in Ukraine that killed millions) and just about everything else. Exactly the same theories that are discussed daily on
    every neo-nazi/stormfront website. His denials that he is not an antisemit ring hollow.
    #27     Oct 30, 2009
  8. Sure, I will deal with it a_person. I need your help though. You see, there is a fourth category that you forgot to add to your list, which is growing in size and I believe will be the most capable of ridding this world of your evil ideology. You guys already labelled them as "Self Hating Jews" Rumours has it that your evil camp views them as a bigger threat than all of us combined. How would you like me to deal with them please?


    #28     Oct 30, 2009
  9. Wait a minute a_person. Would you like me to list tens of posts and threads whereby you, without provocation, used the same exact tactics, language and hate against Muslims you are ACCUSING Tresor of using? You have used the same exact tactics, referred to similar Jewish websites who are devoted to nothing but promoting hate and hate crimes against Islam. You, the one who promoted hate against another Semitic group (Arabs) is coming here crying wolf against Tresor being anti Semitic?

    I have read most of his post. In none of them did he accuse the Jews of anything. Instead, all of his criticism was concentrated on the Zionist ideology and Zionists. You on the other hand, being the superior race who should not be challenged lest we end up being labelled anti Semites, Islamo-Nazis and ultra Liberal IDIOTS, had a free hand in carrying an agenda of hate promotion and misinformation that will put the Nazis in Shame.

    The world rid itself from all signs of fascism, what makes you think that you could carry on forever supporting the last fascist ideology and silencing anyone who has the conscious to oppose it?


    #29     Oct 30, 2009
  10. Oh, you mean 9/11 in New York, 3/11 in Madrid, the London subway bombings, India, Beslan, Moscow, Bali, Argentina, Pakistan, Bali, Israel, Sudan, Egypt many many other dates and places... You don't consider them provocations carried out by extremist muslims and tacitly (or openly) supported by so-called moderate muslims?

    Get a clue buddy, just because your so-called supporters are anti-semites lying about the jews does not mean that the truth about Islam should or can be suppressed.
    #30     Oct 30, 2009