A Winning Strategy for Democrats

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, May 18, 2006.

  1. Are you saying that 50.5% of this country who voted for Gore and 48.5% of this country who voted for Kerry are all whackos?

    I don't know if I should laugh or cry, six years of republican government, huge budget surplus turned into equally huge deficit, the love and admiration of the world turned into hatred and contempt, the war of choice in iraq that we started is a quagmire, record number of bankruptcies, record number of people without insurance, exponentially growing gap between the rich and the rest of the country, our prisoners are tortured, our phones are tapped, our allies are pissed, our borders are not secured ... And you are saying that the dems have cost this country too much.
    #21     May 19, 2006
  2. maxpi


    It's been said here many times that the surplus was gained by starving the military and infrastructure and tax increases by the first bush admin, etc. Who needs the love and admiration of the world when they won't do shit to help us after 9/11?? The war in Iraq is a quagmire only in liberals minds, as wars go, it went great, Iraq will form a government and get on with life eventually. Bankruptcies come with overuse of credit cards, the rich/poor gap includes a lot of illegals and single moms that got married too early in life or never got married because of the Liberals destruction of family values, and your phone is not tapped at all, your contacted numbers are recorded for future use in case you start talking about Jihad. Oh, and the level of prison torture was exceeded by any number of college hazings since.

    Now regarding the borders..... they were not secured during the 70's, 80's, 90's and the last 6 years, now it's Bush's fault somehow??

    That is what the thread starter is talking about, Democrats have to get a platform other than "Hate Bush"!!!!

    John Kerry could not express a platform because basically his whole platform is to turn every problem over to the trial lawyers association and the courts. He would be suing Osama in the World courts right now and Osama would be giving him the finger on Al Jazeera, what a joke.
    #22     May 19, 2006
  3. I could give a shit what someone outside of the US thinks about who we vote as our government leaders. I would be willing to bet that most Americas feel the same way.

    I don't live in the US so that I can follow along with what the rest of the world wants. Do you really think that the rest of the world has the Americas best interests placed first? There is a reason that the US is number 1 in the world; and it isn't because we ask the rest of the world permission before we do something.
    #23     May 19, 2006
  4. No but that was not my point, my point was that who are and who are not whackos is a matter of perspective, about 100 million Bush supporters think that Bush haters are whackos and about 6 BILLION people on the planet think Bush supporters are whackos. Doesn't it make you wonder? They did not have our interests in mind when Clinton (or even Bush Senior) were presidents, they just admired this country.
    #24     May 19, 2006
  5. fhl


    do says:
    " Conservatives are a lost cause."

    We have the admin, the congress, the courts, the military, and you make this absurd statement that implies we are not relevant. Are you in a dreamworld? By the way, most other countries have stricter abortion laws than the US, so as soon as you get the " world population" a vote in the US, you'll want to delclare it invalid again. Kind of sounds like Kerry, right? I was for foreign voting in the US before I was against it.

    I really do hope it provides you a nice, warm feeling that a bunch of rioters in other countries are on your side.
    #25     May 19, 2006
  6. You mean the military that did not lose a single soldier in Bosnia, the military that defeated Taliban and occupied Afghanistan in a matter of days was starving? And sound tax policies of the Clinton administration balanced the budget, generated surpluses and yet did not stifle the economy which in the 90s was way better than it is now, the economy worked for everyone then, not just for the top 10% as is the case right now.

    Yep, no one supported us, not one was sympathetic, no one said "we are all americans today" on 9/11, the UN security councel did not vote unanimously to support the invasion of Afghanistan, dozens of countries including the french did not send their troops to afghanistan and did not share the cost of the invasion, russia and former soviet republics did not cooperate with our efforts, did not offer their bases and logistical support for our troops, NATO planes did not patrol US skies after 9/11. None of that happened, "they won't do shit to help us after 9/11" as you so eloquently stated.
    #26     May 19, 2006
  7. Do you even follow politics?

    At least since 1994, the Repubs have always had very defined platforms that they held on to, regardless of criticism.

    Dems have primarily just bashed the Republicans. This is why Dems have done so poorly in this period. Republicans gained both houses, and George somehow won twice. George!

    I'm not Republican BTW (independent).
    #27     May 19, 2006
  8. Like what? Tax cuts for the rich no matter what and staying the course no matter where it takes us is not exactly a platform. :confused:

    Of course. And I am Rush Limbaugh.
    #28     May 19, 2006
  9. maxpi


    Oh wow, I apologize, they did do jack shit. Afghanistan was a pushover, every single perticipant knew that going in. The left was yelling about "they have those trenches and they defeated the Brits a hundred fifty years ago and the Russians were quagmired there". Then we turned our attention on the biggest defier of the UN, Saddam, who was firing on our planes in the no fly zone, and mass murdering and had enough heads of state of Europe in his pocket to feel secure and who did the heavy lifting from that point on?? Not Germany and France, oh heck no, that would have cost them $ and political capital and taken time, no way were they going to do that.
    #29     May 19, 2006