A US Marine speaks out

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Nolan-Vinny-Sam, May 19, 2004.

  1. Its not Turoks standards of reason, the courts
    made it very clear this is indeed the case.

    So yes.... the soldier will still be held accountable for obeying
    obviously immoral orders.

    You can disagree with the courts all you want, but it doesn't
    change the facts.

    For example, if you REALLY think a soldier should not be held
    accountable for shooting a baby in the head at point blank range,
    because he was ordered to, or because of war time stress, then
    I think you will find many people, the law, and the courts are
    going to disagree with you.

    You may call it hogwash if it makes you feel better though :D



    #41     May 19, 2004
  2. Pabst


    Must suck. Do twelve years Stateside......THIS CLOSE to pension....and then WHAMO.....have to actually fight in a WAR. Wow. The misery of not being able to chill out forever on the taxpayers dole.
    #42     May 19, 2004

    Ooooooooooh NOLAN.... here is my ORIGINAL challenge
    that started you with the name calling, and debate dodging.

    There is nothing logically inconsistent here.
    You are simply logically impaired.
    If you think there is a logical problem here, why dont you
    break it down for us in a formal format and point it out.
    Show us EXACTLY where the contradiction lies.

    NOTICE you have dodged this challenge *3* times now

    You have conceded by default.

    If you dont wish to concede....then ANSWER THE QUESTION
    instead of crying like a little bitch debate dodger :D

    Turok nailed you, and you know it. You asserted garbage and
    now must run away, while at the same time claiming you
    have not conceded by default. LMAOOOOOO :p

    Pathetic. Either put up, or shut up already.


    #43     May 19, 2004
  4. OOOH watch out NOLAN he's got his little red logic primer out. lol :p
    #44     May 19, 2004
  5. Hey Longshot you dumb FU** :p

    Well well well.... my personal little bitch stalker has followed
    me to the 100th thread. Big surprise.

    Your so pathetic.
    Get a life and stop following me around like some
    little bitch I dumped months ago who just cant let go :p



    #45     May 19, 2004
  6. This passage alone puts the alleged "interview" in the fiction class.
    #46     May 19, 2004
  7. Peter35


    I don't believe this interview...

    The man in the car said "Why did you kill my brother" in English?!!

    How many Iraqis speak English?:D
    #47     May 19, 2004
  8. Oh, my.... RS7 pontificating on the truthfulness of a war story.

    For some real laughs, read RS7's legendary "account" of his adventures in SE Asia:

    "I ended up going. Not to Vietnam, but to the general area. There was conflict all over southeast asia at the time, and though we had no "official business" being there, we were. I was."

    "I was captured. I was imprisoned, and I was shot escaping. Had I been killed it would have been for nothing."

    "I also said I made the wrong choice. I would have been better off in prison, and best off fleeing to Canada, where I would have been pardoned along with all the others by President Ford."

    "If you look at a map, and see where the Shan is, you will understand that I was involved in a criminal endeavor on behalf of our Department of State. We had no legal right to be in Shan Country. "

    "Of course, we never played by the rules. A lot worse was going on in Cambodia then, and we just looked away. Were we justified in Cambodia? More than likely we had "just" purposes, but no legal right. Same in the Shan."

    "I was technically NOT sent there to be "in combat" and even though I was shot, I never knew by whom. I have a scar, but don't know who pulled the trigger. I was captured and held prisoner along with 4 others. We were kept in a "tiger cage" (covered hole in the ground), where we froze at night and cooked during the day. Each day of that was far worse than a month in any american prison, I assure you. Our "guards" were 15 or 16 year old boys with weapons they did not know how to use. It ended up making them dead. And making us "free". And no, I was rescued. I was no Rambo."

    "I expect that those who attacked us were not military combatants. More likely armed farmers...like you see in the movies these days in places like Columbia. We were far north of where the American armed forces were fighting. We were collecting photographic and mapping information to determine the source and the routes used by the ARVN to transport opium and other drugs south to the war zones, which at the time was a big concern of our brilliant leadership. The powers that be thought we were losing the war because the American soldiers were incapable of fighting due to their use of these easily obtainable drugs. So it became a big issue."

    Sergeant Fury would be proud!
    #48     May 19, 2004
  9. nachos


    no it doesn't.
    #49     May 19, 2004
  10. following you?? you've infected 90% of threads here with your monkey "logic" haha :p
    #50     May 19, 2004