A true Patriot

Discussion in 'Politics' started by indahook, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. He makes some valid points, such as the fact that it is foolish for us to be trying to force democracy on countries where it obviously will not work. He makes some debatable ones, such as that the war is unwinnable. I think it is winnable, but we are not prepared to use the level of violence and accept the level of civilian casualties necessary to prevail. He makes some idiotic statments, such as the claim that we are fighting Iraqis who are trying to reclaim their country from us. It is perfectly clear that what is happening there now is a battle for control of Iraq after we leave. The battle is between Iran's proxies, the Shia's, and Saudi Arabia's, the Sunni's. Some factions, like al qaeda, like to kill Americans, but their focus is on their co-religionists.
    #11     Dec 8, 2006
  2. Yes, he makes these points.

    All the while being deployed to a forward combat arms position and going on patrol and getting whacking by IED's and getting serious trigger time....all the while we have idiots on this board commenting on the validity of his thoughts and his position.

    You people are beneath contempt. Morons...one and all of you.

    #12     Dec 8, 2006
  3. neophyte321

    neophyte321 Guest

    21 years old ...

    ...President Bush used the reactionary nature of our society to bring our country together and to infuse into the national psyche a need to give up their little-used rights in the hope to make our nation a little safer...

    The kids got it all figured out... He certainly has earned the respect to be listened to, if not heard.

    I suggest he not re-enlist. Maybe he had the forsight that John Kerry did and brought a movie camera, he can use the footage in his presidential run in 30 years. In the meantime, Noam Chomsky might be looking for an intern.
    #13     Dec 8, 2006
  4. Do I hear you volunteering to take his place?
    #14     Dec 8, 2006
  5. I suppose you are referring to the UN resolution. If so, why are the troops not wearing UN uniforms?

    And why does Bush keep changing the reason for the invasion?
    #15     Dec 8, 2006

  6. America doesn't need enemies with "Bush lovin' patriots" like you. The rotting underbelly of a soon to be fascist society.

    How's the "liberaaa-tin' goin' " bitches. You don't even have a clue why your kids are dying there, do you?
    #16     Dec 9, 2006
  7. So what was the reason america invaded Iraq? Has anyone figured out what the latest propaganda party line is?

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/8btY1Q2yxb8"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8btY1Q2yxb8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
    #17     Dec 9, 2006
  8. Are you?
    #18     Dec 9, 2006
  9. #19     Dec 9, 2006
  10. Sam321


    Great. Another “I support the troops but not the mission” thread. How many people from our volunteer army have publicly gone yellow, or at least articulated their skepticism of the mission, like this guy? Five? Perhaps ten?

    A lot of you think you support the troops by advocating against the mission, but you actually fear what foreigners think of you when your country tries to protect its interests.
    #20     Dec 9, 2006