A test to see if you are an atheist or not.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Aug 6, 2009.

Which direction is the dancer moving?

  1. Clockwise

    14 vote(s)
  2. Counter Clockwise

    7 vote(s)
  1. jem


    far from an absurd non sequitur.

    That posting of that list by someone who despises an internet troll is like a scalpel to a surgeon.
    #21     Aug 10, 2009
  2. stu


    Then educate yourself

    The Pirahãs
    #22     Aug 10, 2009
  3. For practical purposes, yes. I see both atheists and believers argue over things like evolution and cosmology, even thuogh few of them personally have much knowledge of those fields.

    The problem is that there are some "atheists" and some "believers" who become self-righteous, even though they generally do not have a clue.

    They will get a "I know more than you" or "you are blind" attitude, even though both of them are mortal, very temporary, know almost nothing, have no concept of the expanse of the universe or time, etc. etc.

    A little humility on both sides would help :D
    #23     Aug 10, 2009
  4. martymjp


    He just described himself
    #24     Aug 10, 2009
  5. You're SO FULL OF SHIT! Who claims "non-believers" to be superior?

    BTW... It's not possible to prove something does not exist.
    #25     Aug 10, 2009
  6. "The Pirahãs have shown me that there is dignity and deep satisfaction in facing life and death without the comforts of heaven or the fear of hell, and of sailing towards the great abyss with a smile.

    And they have shown me that for years I held many of my beliefs without warrant. I have learned these things from the Pirahãs, and I will be grateful to them for as long as I live."

    Those people have a peacefulness from what that man saw in the Amazon. I want to read that book. So sad his wife and 2 children left him because he feel different now for his religion. That is heartless for a religion to make that wife and children not talk to their husband and father.
    #26     Aug 10, 2009
  7. +1
    #27     Aug 10, 2009
  8. This is the reason there will ALWAYS be believers. Unlike myself, some people are willing to believe in something they are TOLD is true. Without the ability to prove that god does not exist (because we don't "see god" until we die), there will always be believers.
    #28     Aug 10, 2009
  9. There you go again, like YOU know where everything came from to its bottom. You really have an authority problem.

    They can believe all they want, I don't care, just so they stay out of politics.
    #29     Aug 10, 2009
  10. She rotates clockwise when a squeeze her ass and counterclockwise when I pull her ponytail. No joke. Though, with me she likes to spin clockwise most of the time.
    #30     Aug 10, 2009