A sucker born every minute

Discussion in 'Options' started by Philo Judeaus, Jul 2, 2019.

  1. Idk how these guys keep popping up in my advertisements, but whenever I watch YouTube I got these "get-rich-quick" dream sellers commercials.

    1. Frauds like Jason Bond, Kyle Dennis, , Jeff Bishop (ragingbull.com) Tai Lopez, and of course Tim Sykes.

    Although Tim Sykes is a bit different then the first three, I'm still baffled at how many people must sign up for these scams if they keep popping up on my feed CONSISTENTLY. This is every single day.

    Jason Bond and his crew are in my opinion the worst. I can spot a fraud from afar and these guys are horrible salesmen (or are they?). There must be so many sheeple if these guys can throw this much advertisement dollars at YouTube.

    Another point I want to make is, these guys give trading a bad rep. I used to boast to my friends about my trading. But I never realized that my view of trading is VASTLY different from the laymen. Most people think of a jerk like Jason Bond when they think trading, they think of get rich quick schemes..

    They dont think of hard earned speculation from thousands of hours of studying, backtesting, trading, trial and error, blood and sweat, thousands on commissions and vig just to BREAK-EVEN. Its really a shame man.

    I thought I'd rant this to see what you guys think. Do these scammers pop up on your feed? I'm thinking of buying youtubes premium service just to disable and never see there face again.
    traderlux likes this.
  2. EsKiller


    Stop watching trading videos on youtube. When u search w/ google, log off your gmail account. Should solve all your problems.

    Let these guys be. Unless its illegal, mind your business. Let them make their money selling their services. Everybody needs to put bread on the table. This is their way.
  3. Sounds like your a rangingbull.com subscriber lol
    traderlux likes this.
  4. That's the main problem of an immigrant culture. People coming from cultures where unethical and immoral values are completely fine and their value system goes completelyagainst the judeo Christian value system. I am equally annoyed by those who can't give a damn and shill and cheat and trick and misguide but their existance should not be a surprise. That is why the existance of such people of lower moral mindset is minimal in countries like Japan.

    tickmagnet likes this.
  5. EsKiller


    no, i'm just someone that doesn't whine and complain on internet forums when they see something on the internet that they disagree with. You, on the otherhand......
    Philo Judeaus likes this.
  6. Heydrrich


    Judeo Christian value system...
  7. There is a guy I watch on YouTube but I'm not telling you who he is. Real trader, doesn't sell anything and is a prolific poster. Average views per video = 30
  8. Someone posts on the_donald
  9. ironchef


    I enjoyed watching all those informercials on TV: trading stocks, trading options, trading currencies...., with their $99 trading software and subscription newsletters, it is so easy, you just buy on green arrows and sell on red arrows. :D

    Actually it is true we can make good money trading or we won't be here posting. Everything they said about making good money trading is true except the easy part. :banghead:
  10. dozu888


    interesting post lol... while I do agree there are merits in the Judeo Christian value, having immigrants cultures is not necessarily a bad thing... like if you make children with different DNAs it tends to get rid of genetic deficiencies.. I am an immigrant myself so I may be biased lol.

    but in the case of infomercial cons, it's like you need to expose to virus/bateria to enhance your immune system right? so exposure may not be a bad thing.

    “You’re walking around blind without a cane, pal. A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.” - Gordon Gekko
    #10     Jul 2, 2019
    ironchef likes this.