A reminder to all you imbeciles that didn't want ANY govt intervention

Discussion in 'Economics' started by stock777, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. Read what I typed again...slowly this time...in fact...here, let me help:

    Since we are suggesting classes for each other to take, I would recommend a reading comprehension refresher for you.

    The Constitution was written with a specific set of principles in mind and when they have been altered whether technnnnnicaaaalllly legal or not....the result is still the same.

    That's like saying Affirmative Action isn't racism just because the gummint legally says it isn't. That is horseshit double standard hypocrisy of the same caliber that got us into this mess. Regardless of how you massage the laws, the principle is still being violated.

    You should do a little studying yourself if you think our Founding Fathers were not proponents of Isolationism.

    Here, off the top of my head I'll give you three you may want to look into:

    Thomas Paine
    Thomas Jefferson
    George Washington

    It's idiots like you that think just because you paid a politician enough to pass a law that it's okay and no one should be concerned. Fuckin' jackass.

    Oh, and don't forget your clown nose on the way out.
    #21     Jan 8, 2009
  2. Good post.
    #22     Jan 8, 2009
  3. No specific refutation. Just a lot of name calling.
    That may work with two year olds and their intellectual equivalents, such as yourself, but it cuts no ice with me.
    In other words, you never read it and you have no fuckin' clue what you're talking about.
    You're a disgrace to all three of those men, none of whom you are worthy of.
    Take a hike.
    #23     Jan 8, 2009
  4. There was nothing to refute, you took something I said out of context and attacked me for it.

    I can't refute your opinion, however I can explain to you that you missed my point. You can take your civics class and shove it up your ass, what I'm saying is Common Sense (get it? hint: Thomas Paine).

    Sorry troll, but I have served my time for this country. Fucking civilian, who the fuck are you to say I'm a disgrace to those people? ha ha ha ha what a laugh. I love it when people like you say that kind of shit.

    Come up with something better or keep quiet, clown shoes.
    #24     Jan 9, 2009
  5. achilles28


    Thanks for serving, Reaver.

    Where did you serve?
    #25     Jan 9, 2009

  6. Nah man no big deal, didn't mean it like that. But it makes me sick when some clown says some disrespectful shit like that.

    Main places were the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean AO's.
    #26     Jan 9, 2009
  7. achilles28


    To a guy like me who never served, thats impressive.

    Thanks, Bro.

    #27     Jan 9, 2009
  8. You might want to check the history on that one...Andrew Jackson had to do battle with the "Fed of the day" to get rid of it - the "Fed of the Day" deliberately caused a panic (depression) in a fight to stay alive - must be something pretty lucrative to do such a drastic measure.

    As to the original post....yeah, the gov't bailouts are GREAT - BTW - how much did you get? ;-) Making a statement and adding a link to a picture from the thirties is not sound logic.

    My real thoughts - gov't bailouts are bullshit - stealing from the taxpayers! We should enforce the death penalty on the heads of some of those banks - and NO I AM NOT KIDDING!!! Oh, and after executing many of these bastards...we should still let their banks fail!
    #28     Jan 9, 2009
  9. Gastropod, don't even bother with that moron, he is just another psychotic troll. Reasoning and fact checking aren't his forte'.

    And I have to say I agree with your outlook. Maybe not the death penalty (even though they deserve it for ruining so many lives) but I'd say long-term imprisonment....oh, and let their bank pay for their room and board while in the Pen. ha ha

    Instead, however, they get tons of free money...go figure.
    #29     Jan 9, 2009
  10. 10 years after the great Depression, we had a 60 year boom period.
    The evidence is there that a depression without government intervention can be good for an economy.
    However it the beginning of the great depression versus the beginning of the boom period took almost 20 years.
    Since I am 20 years old I am not prepared to live 20 years the best years of my life in a depressed state.

    So please government bail us out! :D
    #30     Jan 9, 2009