A Reminder for Everyone

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aphexcoil, May 6, 2004.

  1. I realize that the chit-chat thread is a great place to have interesting discussions and to blow off steam from a hard day of work.

    Since the semester is done, I'm helping out by moderating this forum. I'm pretty lenient and have a wide tolerance, but please try to follow these simple rules:

    a) Don't start completely worthless threads. They will be deleted. If a thread is deleted, it was probably exceedingly worthless.

    b) When a thread eventually degrades into nothing but verbal attacks, it will be closed.

    c) No personal information should be posted on any threads. If you want to get personal, take it to the PM's.

    d) If you have any problems or issues, don't hesitate to PM me.

    Thanks and have fun!

  2. Unnecessary rules create stagnation. These rules are ridiculous and unnecessary. I can't believe you're pathetic enough to be a chitchat cop. You remind me of the dorky middle school hall monitor that I beat up with my math textbook.
    Do you realize how pathetic this is? What is it you study anyway? Where do you study? I feel sorry for you.

    In your pathetic mind my thread was exceedingly worthless, yet you fail to realize that nearly all the drivel on this site is worthless regurgitation. You fail to realize the purpose of my actions. To be lighthearted to be illogical in order to break the mynotony of the incessant prattle that forms this site.
  3. Maverick74


    You have my support. Maybe now that chit chat is actively moderated, it can come back to normal. Forget about Rowenwood. Your rules are simple and sufficient. If adults can't follow these rules, then they shouldn't be posting on ET.
  4. Oh is that the best you can do Rowenwood? Surely you can come up with something more demeaning than that!
  5. In your pathetic mind my thread was exceedingly worthless, yet you fail to realize that nearly all the drivel on this site is worthless regurgitation. You fail to realize the purpose of my actions. To be lighthearted, to be illogical in order to break the monotony of the incessant prattle that forms this site.
  6. Turok


    Your rules sound great aphie. Good luck.


  7. I suppose so because you're too scared to answer my questions.
  8. Ok, then here are my rules for the nihilists among us:

    a) If your thread is exceedingly more worthless than all other worthless threads, it will be deleted.

    b) If a thread resorts to a bunch of name-calling and personal attacks -- moreso than average worthless threads about worthless people in a worthless world -- then it will be closed.

    How's that for you Mr. Rowenwood?
  9. I'm not afraid to answer your questions. I've moderated before in the chit-chat and I haven't gotten many complaints. I'm probably one of the most lenient moderators on this site. However, someone has to "take out the garbage" so I volunteered to help out. I'm not the "hall monitor" you remember from elementary school.

    Think of me more as the kid on the back of the bus that was ready and willing to kick your ass if you got out of line.
  10. BSAM


    Ignore him aphie......Got a funny feeling Baron is going to be showing him the (exit) door pretty soon. We've seen many of his "caliber" come and go over the years.
    #10     May 6, 2004