A rare man of reason FB CEO a clown

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by stock777, May 22, 2012.

  1. how true. Do I believe in his business model? Heck, no. Will the current business model be sustainable? Certainly not. As unsustainable as Yahoo's and if Google did not push new revenue drivers such as Cloud services, Mobile, it would trade at much lower valuations. So, everyone knows that FB has to re-invent itself at some point. I also do not believe in the business model of those online game companies. The 5th richest guy in Japan created Gree and the stock tanked like there is no tomorrow simply because regulators hinted at shutting down abusive methods in which gamers' addiction is abused to drive more revenues. Every business model has to provide a deal to both sides. I would never buy social media stocks nor into companies whose business model I do not understand or believe in. But I will not short FB either simply because there are too many idiots out there who invest in stocks, long-term, because public media tell them to do so.

    But for the price it does not matter what I believe. Fact is the guy created the right thing at the right time and jumped at any opportunity to expand the business. He saw what others did not see. He did so in sometimes illegal or at least highly questionable ways and that is where I personally would stop short. I think I could run a very successful prostitution ring but I would not do it because its a) the wrong thing to do, and b) the ethics catch up with everyone sooner or later. Using the addiction to gambling, sex, and the human drive to avoid loneliness through social media connections, plus peer pressure (what else is it that hooks kids to FB anyway other than 90% peer pressure) is not what I want to pursue in life.

    Regardless, the guy did what he had to do and he is extremely successful at it. I do not envy him because of above-made points but I also respect him for seizing the opportunity within the law, respect him for seeing what others did not see.

    #11     May 23, 2012