A Quote for traders to learn from.

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by xianokie, Oct 5, 2002.

  1. xianokie


    I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
    A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
    without ever having felt sorry for itself.

    D. H. Lawrence

    Now GO TRADE.

    And remember........Your getting better and better everyday and in everyday.
  2. Have you ever seen a bird put on a butterfly spread?
  3. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
    There will be a market for portable microwaves
  4. I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself
    I did see a broker come THIS CLOSE to admitting a mistake
  5. xianokie


    I would give a days wages to have seen that.
  6. nitro


    I liked that quote as used in the movie "GI Jane."
