A question you'll never hear Charles Gibson ask Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. You're welcome. You wouldn't believe the heat I'm catching in the community because I'm speaking out. Several other guys who know him, who work out with him, are also catching hell. It's not anything physical yet. But it is becoming more vocal.

    Most recently I had a woman tell me that I should pay attention to what the old folks used to say. That is, "If you don't have anything positive to say, don't say anything!" And while we are not openly sounding off, most of the guys are unusually rather quiet. :)
    #11     Sep 20, 2008
  2. #12     Sep 20, 2008
  3. Mercor


    Between NY, IL, CA, Obama will pick up an extra 2 million votes.

    There is a very good chance he will win the popular vote but lose the election.

    Do you think there will be riots on the South Side?
    #13     Sep 20, 2008
  4. Liberation theology is obviously a spiritual failure, just check out Rev. Wright's statements and it's obvious...

    I'm tired of Blacks, after a lifetime of hearing about how oppressed they are I'm starting to realize that the Democrats are their minions and nothing else much at this point. If the Dems lose just a fraction of the black vote they are out of power for a long time..... so blacks [and maybe democrats in general really] will be riding roughshod over our culture, and reaping the whirlwind I would expect. What other outcome is possible? "Rev. Jackson" is not going to quit suing whitey for millions, that's what keeps blacks out of the private sector jobs... they are only employed where he can't sue very well, public sector, military, drug running, etc... so blacks are the biggest oppressors of blacks and mexicans can come in and get jobs by the millions, buy houses and businesses, etc., while Blacks are still trying to convince us we are at fault... I'm not buying that shit.
    #14     Sep 21, 2008
  5. Very relevant question and one that needs to be asked.

    I really don't think you have much to worry about in November, hap. However, I did hear the Dems had registered up something like 500K new voters in Indiana and they expected 1.3MM before the election. Will these sign-up drives tip the scales (which I feel are tilted in McCains favour and always have been, irrelevant polling aside)?
    #15     Sep 21, 2008
  6. I wish I could be as optimistic as you, Nik. IMO Canyonman has hit the nail on the head as to what it will take for Obama to win: "enough guilty feeling white folks."

    As that characterizes the entire radical Left and many if not most of the Democrats in this country, I fear it could really happen.

    So again, I hope you're right!
    #16     Sep 21, 2008
  7. have your hubby ever fisted ya?
    #17     Sep 21, 2008
  8. Interesting, I think he'll pick up a lot of votes, but don't cement his support in the community just yet. I was at breakfast just yesterday with six other guys (Chicago) who know him well. None of us intend to vote for him. That did surprise me a bit. And we all know folks who are speaking of holding the nose to vote for him. So it's hard to say.

    As for riots, naw! There's not that type of love and support. Now yes, there is an extreme group behind him. But know it also contains hundreds of thousands of folks who'd vote for a brick with a "D" on it against ANY republican. Know that they'd crop the photos to make the crowd appear much more massive than it actually is. And once again the community would be talked about as if it were in total lockstep with the disgust.

    Were he to lose, there would be a collective quiet sigh of relief amongst many of us. :)
    #18     Sep 21, 2008
  9. Ten or twelve key black folks speaking out against Barak and telling white folks that it's ok not to vote for him and he loses by a landslide. And that's his campaign supporters fear right now. They are praying that no major black person takes a counter stand.

    The thing that they are not valuing properly so far is folks like me. Folks who at blogs will tell you what they know and, who'll tell you that you're not a racist should you not vote for Barak. I'm not advocating that you do or you don't. But I am telling you that you are getting, "a false competency evaluation of the man and his abilities."

    It really is your right to do whatever you choose in the voter booth without fear of reprisals.
    #19     Sep 21, 2008
  10. Mav88


    Go back to your creationist home school and ask your dad the difference between a response and a comment.

    In that case james bond, your comment was a response. Go back to your third rate university job and pretend you are smarter than everyone else.
    #20     Sep 21, 2008