A new use for the mentally disabled

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Nick Leeson Jr, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. What does any of this have to do with the price of day old french fries in China? :D

    My planet? Ha!
    Heaven completely surrounds you...you just can't see it while you think this way.
    Thank you, however, for a clear excus...I mean, explanation as to how the world thinks.
    Little do you realize that each human simply provides more ammo for the maker of this world.
    The maker is like a little kid playing with plastic army men.
    Does it care what becomes of the dead?
    It only cares that the game keeps going.
    Or till it's better nature calls it home to dinner.

    Humans are descendants of one consciousness, this "kid", which percieves Light as it wishes.
    It wishes to see Light as individuals...general issue joes.
    This requires it see enemies.
    Attack is the only way to perpetuate the game.
    The game separates one mind into legion units.
    Each unit seems to be autonomous of "others".
    This is so untrue that the game would soon end without...
    Attack "proves" that there are autonomous "others".
    Why would you bother to attack something that was not "real"?
    So attack affirms the worlds reality, beyond reason.
    The more you attack, the more real it seems to be.
    This requires more and more elaborate defenses.
    It's a vicious cycle.

    It's all about "survival".
    The consciousness that makes this world is threatened by the truth.
    It survives by perpetuating attack.
    It depends on reactionary responses.
    All reactionary responses are predictable.
    They are so predictable that the entire history of the world is pre-scripted.
    Prophecy is based on what is "written" already.
    You are not really free while you follow such a script.

    Attack is in man's best interests because without it he too would not "survive".

    It seems that all you ask is your own space, undisturbed.
    But minds are still joined as one.
    And you are using thought to attack.
    So what goes around comes around.

    If you ended the whole concept of attack at its roots,
    there is nothing to "come around" back at you.
    And why not?
    Nothing would feel threatened by you if it was recieving no threatening thoughts from you.

    This does threaten the existence of the world however.
    Those who do not attack are on the verge of escaping from the world, undermining it on the way out.
    So there is some resistance to non-violent agendas.
    But it is the non-violent agenda that has proven to "work",
    when all else failed.

    #41     Feb 3, 2008
  2. bull....shit

    self indulgent bullshit to be sure

    Crawl back into your cardboard box and get some sleep
    #42     Feb 3, 2008
  3. This is such a predictable response!:D
    #43     Feb 3, 2008
  4. Then why didn't you predict it?

    Because you're not the son of god, your just a pathetic head case, with access to a computer...
    #44     Feb 3, 2008
  5. If I predicted it, you'd just try to do something else, just to prove me wrong.:D
    I try to keep my predictions geared toward major cities.
    Meanwhile, I did predict the Dow would trade at 100,000 in about 45 years.
    Part of that is due to the way the world is set up for economic expansion.
    Part will be due to world-wide relief that a long-standing problem has been solved as it believes it can be solved.
    This involves a nuclear retaliation on a major city that represents the worst of Islamdom.
    It will be retaliation (reactionism) relative to dirty nuclear devices going off in major western cities.
    So you can see where all this rhetoric is leading.
    It is cycling and escalating.

    To be sure, non-violence will not work against someone who doesn't give a damn if people get killed, or enthusiastically wants them to get killed. What worked for Ghandi may not work in case of cultures less civilized than the British were in those days. The inspired answers are different for different situations and different people. There is no one answer to every problem. Those answers come through true prayer, which is pretty much unheard of. Yet the day will come when a President will emerge who knows how to join with God in true prayer and find genuine inspiration. The Inspirer works with every seeming individual on a case by case basis, as each one focuses on working with Him.

    The United States is the most powerful force in the history of this world.
    It has much more responsibility than any other country to find creative solutions to problems.
    The US won't be free of it's oil addiction any time soon.
    Not one individual is going to change this.
    But individuals can recieve inspiration as to what to do in their own life.
    The benefits have far-reaching effects on the rest.

    Inspiration would prevent a nuclear exchange.
    But alas, not many are willing to be inspired.
    Yes, expansionism via the sword seems to be built into Islam.
    And what lives by the sword may die by the sword.
    But it need not be so.
    Inspiration can change anything that seems to be written in stone.

    In true prayer, you simply give over all seemingly unsolvable problems to God, and forgetting about them, get lost in his love.
    The answers on the level of form will come to you as a natural extention.
    This works for Presidents or paupers.
    It applies to any problem, without exception.

    Meanwhile, Islam is guilt-ridden.
    Guilt asks for punishment, and it's request is granted.
    But see that these are robots responding to your own consciousness perceptions.
    Release them instead as they act out for you.
    Minds are joined.
    The guiltlessness you grant them will be communicated.
    The guiltlessness effected through you will have effects on you.
    This will lead to peace.
    And peace will lead to salvation.
    Salvation is for the mind.
    A healed mind leads you out of this world back to reality, where You came from...where You are now.

    #45     Feb 3, 2008
  6. Can I try my luck in predicting???

    OK...Let me see. You are an unemployed guy who thinks of himself as a freelence writer.

    How off am I buddy??
    #46     Feb 4, 2008
  7. lol
    #47     Feb 4, 2008

  8. I am a retired money manager, who likes to spend time kicking your ass verbally.....

    Like most of the crap you type, it is way, way way "off" so far off in fact that you have fallen over the edge. Yes that is the way I like to think about you Waaaaeeeeeeeeelllllo, falling over the edge of a very tall building. You and all of your camel humping relatives....

    By the way camel jockey, if you are in the US, you should be looking over your shoulder every so often. I have the feeling that you are due for a visit and soon....

    Wonderful talking to you

    #48     Feb 4, 2008
  9. News flash - you're the one who consistently resorts to the pedophile schtick when you can't counter factual statments that call you what you are - a raving moonbat who detests your country more than you do the Al Qaeda nutcases of the world...

    You see, you have nothing to base your claim that I am a pedophile on other than that I am a Republican. You, on the other hand, have written post after post which reveal to all what a wackjob you are.

    So rest your sphincter and get back on your knees, and continue with what you do best.

    By now you should have received a PM from Doc Vodka asking for the address of the public toilet you currently call your office...
    #49     Feb 4, 2008
  10. did you watch the lil video i posted? it shows the pedophile ring in the white house back during the first bush psychopath's stay. they do this on purpose to get pic's of these fruit loops so they can blackmail them. bottom line, your political idols tend to like young boys. so when you call people moonbats i think you are open game on the pedophile shtick. give it a watch, its pretty sad. why do you hate real conservatives so much? you fall for this neocon trotskyite crap... wake up turdball.
    #50     Feb 4, 2008