A must watch video made in 1948...

Discussion in 'Economics' started by traderbigt, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. MKTrader


    So what did you buy from the old Soviet Union? Ever been there or East Germany? I have. Going from E. Berlin to the West was like walking from a McDonad's to a 5-star steak restaurant.

    You may not want to bother with the video since you swallow your Messiah's snake oil whole. For those who can still think, it's quite prophetic. And I'm sure you and Piezoe can find a place to have a legal gay marriage and commemorate your one-year anniversary with a flag burning. Just not in my state (though the flag burning isn't a big issue to me and I'd be more than happy to burn Obama seals)...
    #21     Nov 21, 2009
  2. MKTrader


    Uh, many are about to be unless health care and tax-and-trade are stopped. And who knows what's next. Obama was telling a bunch of his "yes-we-can," looting/freeloading idiot followers in New Orleans that "he's just getting started." By the time he's finished, maybe every homeowner with a $200,000+ house will be evicted so he can give them to his "gimme-gimme-gimme (just don't make me pay or work") disciples.
    #22     Nov 21, 2009
  3. TGregg


    You missed the obvious. The looters who do not work and do not intend to are also in favor of all of this.
    #23     Nov 21, 2009
  4. You must not be an intellectual or you must be uneducated. Go check out the examples throughout history. "Collectivists" have a habit of executing intellectuals and the educated. If you really liked having your head bullet free or left upon your shoulders, then you would be against collectivism. If you need help - check out Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge or try Mao. A nice little understanding of Stalin's purges would help.


    BTW, I must admit laughing out loud when I read that line from a person who can't even figure out where he is posting call somebody else a member of the "Party of the Dumb." The pot calls the kettle black - ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    #24     Nov 22, 2009
  5. You forgot to add Intercourse and Pot as well.
    #25     Nov 22, 2009

  6. In all honesty, Rep/Dem are just different sides of the same coin.

    Both parties suck. Republicans screwed shit up royally the last 8 years and Obama and his cabal is gonna continue the screwing of America.

    We need a third viable party.
    #26     Nov 22, 2009
  7. TGregg


    Used to be that the republicans would at least give lip service to ideals like limited government. They'd give lip service, then turn around and grow government, but at least they said the right things.

    They don't even do that any more.
    #27     Nov 22, 2009
  8. da-net


    YES! But;

    1... how do we make that a reality before anymore harm is done?

    2... how do we insure that a third party is not just more of the same?

    3... how do we get our current Senators & Representatives to actually represent us instead of themselves and political action groups?

    4... how do we get control of our local government and eliminate corruption and waste?
    #28     Nov 22, 2009
  9. Can't for sure. All we could do is go on what a 3rd party candidate said/promised during the campaign, then watch what he does after taking office.

    Obama promised "all kinds of things" to get elected, but has since revealed himself to be a GIGANTIC LIAR. All along he had his own agenda.. and was willing to make all kinds of false promises so that he could get into "the big chair" and then do as he pleases.

    We are all vulnerable to being lied to.
    #29     Nov 22, 2009
  10. I had forgotten the whole overtone of those old cartoons. I am afraid that if anyone watching the toon does not already realize where our freedom stands, nothing will wake them up from their , take care of me, sleep.
    #30     Nov 22, 2009