A letter to Trent Lott

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aphexcoil, Dec 15, 2002.

  1. mjw73


    If "they" need to band together, then you are supporting the argument that "they" are getting the short end of the stick.

    What else would they be banding together against?
    #31     Dec 18, 2002
  2. There is a natural tendency for man to congregate and be within a protectorate of his own "group" whether that be defined by color, religion or origin. The direct root cause of the numbers related to crime/race is simply racism. Unfortunately, imo, this is an immutable circumstance at some level, i.e. the PC white suburbanite that secretly cringes at the thought of his daughter or son with a non-white partner, at one end and the white supremacist at the other. What is the solution? I don't think there will ever be a totally effective one, unless the human race can somehow mutate out of it.
    #32     Dec 18, 2002
  3. They should band together the same way Italians did, Irish did, jews did, cubans in Miami did, koreans and Vietnamese in california did........You have two choice in life when you get the short end of the stick: 1) take it and accept that somebody else holds your fate 2) do something about it yourself.

    The jews weren't allowed do hang out at vacation spots years ago so they went into upstate NY and made "the Jewish Alps" and made them better then anyone else

    When I as in California i met a Korean business man who explained how they pool their money together and buy businesses together....and when they get their money, they try to spend it at other Korean businesses...

    African Americans should be doing this...instead of wasting time protesting the lack of Black owners they should band together and buy teams....better yet, instead of having Jesse Jackson "demand" that Notre Dame hire a head football coach who is black, they should be demanding that IBM, GE andXON hire 10% of their work force African americans.....just a thought.
    #33     Dec 18, 2002
  4. ...and don't get me wrong, im not saying they didn't get the short end of the stick...im just saying that enough time has passed where it's time for them to take matters economically into their own hands....Racism is a world wide problem that has existed...oh, since Cain and Able were around...Ask any american to point out the differnece between and Iraqi and a Kurd or a pakistani and an Indain and we couldn't,....yet these people are killing each other over these differences.
    #34     Dec 18, 2002
  5. mjw73


    Good post max.

    A few exceptions tho...
    Poverty breeds crime, no matter what your color.
    The actual equation is poverty leads to substance abuse, and that leads to crime.

    If we fix the poverty issue, we'd move forward leaps and bounds.

    Secondly, segregation still exists today in 2 forms.
    One is economic segregation. (ie: white flight)
    The second is good ole 60's style segregation.
    In the south, many schools are still black or white. Cities are still split down the tracks, blacks on the shitty side of town, whites in the newer part. (It's even that way in my northern town). Some schools that have both whites and african americans, have SEPARATE proms/homecomings for each group.
    Stuff like this just shouldn't be...
    #35     Dec 18, 2002
  6. mjw73


    TM, in my experience, they are still getting screwed today.
    I could cite many examples.

    There's nothing wrong with trying to bring up the lower classes in our society. Especially those that have been, and are still getting - shit on.
    #36     Dec 18, 2002
  7. You have to remember, Asians that effectively do this come from a country(s) that has already solidified their race as something positive. Blacks, on the other hand have lived generations subjected to a colossal negativeness about themselves and their race. It's got to be very hard to break out of that. Another of the many problems blacks face culturally is the family as a patriarchal unit; it's almost nonexistent at the lower income levels.
    #37     Dec 18, 2002
  8. The poverty/drug issues are directly related to the cultural work ethic and that is difficult to instill after 100+ years. You will see a family of blacks from another country move here and be successful, they aren't hooked into the despair game; even though they endure similar racism, they don't have the negative awareness of it nor are in the same cultural trap as African Americans.

    This is one of the many cycles that has to be broken. It's like a woman beater, he does it because his father did it and his mother stays because she saw her father beat her mother, and the wives of these violent husbands are often the offspring of the same situation.
    #38     Dec 18, 2002
  9. mjw73


    I think that the "cultural work ethic" of most impoverished, badly educated people is bad.

    Hillbillies aren't known to be very educated or motivated. :)
    #39     Dec 18, 2002
  10. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    And they are notorious for breeding too close in the gene pool too.

    In a hillbilly marriage,
    if you divorce your wife......
    is she still your sister?
    #40     Dec 18, 2002