"A Laughingstock in Paris"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jficquette, May 2, 2009.

  1. maxpi


    So the frogs then were outed as being in bed with Hussein regarding avoiding the oil embargo. No amount of negotiating was going to get them to break that sweet energy deal they had going...

    Hmmm.. I'm starting to think that the people here that revile the frogs are correct...
    #11     May 3, 2009
  2. Remember the oil for food scandal where it was discovered that Hussien was giving oil away as bribes to French leaders to laundry money allocated for the "oil for food" program?

    Chirac's chief of staff was implicated in it and of course if he got money you know it was only a pass through to Chirac and his other buddies.


    "A longtime ally of French President Jacques Chirac and a leading British critic of the Iraq war received huge contracts to resell Iraqi oil from Saddam Hussein under the U.N. oil-for-food program, Senate investigators have found.

    In findings being released today, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs permanent subcommittee on investigations charges that former French Interior Minister Charles Pasqua and British Member of Parliament George Galloway each received the right to market more than 10 million barrels of cut-rate oil from dictator Saddam's Oil Ministry between 1999 and 2003."
    #12     May 3, 2009
  3. France was being bribed by Hussien to stay out. The French are dispictable. They even fired on Allied forces during Operation Touch in North Africa during WW2
    #13     May 3, 2009
  4. Some interesting points being discussed here.
    #14     May 3, 2009

  5. Why can't some people come to grips with the fact that Iraq war was a terrible catastrophic mistake? A colossal blunder, an epic waste of money, men and materiel. Chirac was right and degenerate W/his puppet Blair were wrong.

    France is a country with a rich and proud history. Any time I see people smirk about how French are good at surrender I feel the need to point that US army would be thoroughly owned by Wehrmacht in 1940 as well.
    #15     May 3, 2009
  6. If you had read that article and others like it you wouldn't say such stupid shit.
    #16     May 3, 2009
  7. You should really get into the habit of writing ANSWERS OF SUBSTANCE instead of one liners...
    #17     May 3, 2009
  8. Thats not the point,the other poster said

    "Obama would be nice to everybody then we could all play nice again... so far, the French aren't impressed... nobody is conceding much because they like us.. negotiating from a position of strength works, acting all weak and limp and kissy disgusts people... "

    Bush lead from a so called position of strength and it didn't work with the French either
    #18     May 3, 2009
  9. The French have always been undependable. Bush knew that and while in public was conciliatory, in private he told the French what the deal was going to be.

    Obama doesn't understand the dynamics in foreign policy. Its almost like he believes all this moonbat nonsense how evil America is.

    A Dynamic no one talks about is that he lived as a Muslim until he was 10 in Indonesia. Indonesia is anti American. This means that for most of his formative years he lived in an environment that was anti American and anti capitalistic with a Muslim twist to it all.

    The guy did not grow up like normal Presidents did in America loving the country.

    It's like having a foreigner in the White House with him. I see why the Constitution has the Natural Born clause in it. Its to prevent assholes like him from being president.
    #19     May 3, 2009

    You can take issue with Obama is doing but by god don't put Bush as the guy to take lessons from. When Bush's term ended he managed to destabilize the Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan, etc.

    It is a good thing for a guy to grow up aware of USA's limitations. If you grow up drinking the kool aid, the results could be catastrophic.

    P.S Have you been living under a rock? Bush has been a total failure. His approval ratings corresponded to someone who should have been impeached/or should have resigned. And no, history is not going to judge Bush kindly in any way shape or form. Failure is his middle name. It was his whole life and that is his legacy and his essence.
    #20     May 3, 2009