A Hopeless Legion of Loons

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RCG Trader, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. Maverick74


    Murray, why all the hate? I don't get it. Come on man, you are old enough to know by now that people can believe whatever they want to believe. There is as much Greed on the left as there is on the right, just ask Jon Corzine. Do you really believe "your" values are the "right" values and everyone else has the "wrong" values or beliefs? What gives man?
    #11     Dec 8, 2011
  2. There are just as many losers on the left as there are on the right. Just as much corruption, graft and outright criminal contempt.

    Hell, all one has to do is look at a shithole like Cook County, Illinois to get a good look at what "Democrats" will do with all of their grand plans. Lawlessness, bankruptcy and endless cronyism are hallmarks of the place. Two consective governors sent to prison. One on the left, one on the right. It's immaterial.
    #12     Dec 8, 2011
  3. Lucrum


    + 1
    #13     Dec 8, 2011
  4. rew


    Indeed. For every scum bag in the Republican Party, there is a scum bag in the Democratic Party.
    #14     Dec 8, 2011
  5. i agree with all you said...

    but I see republican hypocrites being as much a part of the problem such as allowing corrupt defense contractors and the like to suck off the government nipple. They have no problem with using government money for those things that match their beliefs. The thing about right-wingers is that they don't mind when rich mostly white folks steal or cheat with pork barrel or other corrupt practices, etc. or cheat on their income tax to the tune of millions of dollars; but let it be some poor lazy black or other minority who is a loser sucking off the government troth, and then that's subject to relentless criticism.

    Further let an issue be about sex or abortion and the right-wing a-holes get all worked up. Right wingers are literally insane in my view!
    They actually believe some god is backing their hatred of others who are not like them.

    Look at all the posts by losers like pspr and max e. pad etc. These are guys who likely purport to believe in the right's viewpoints on abortion and probably believe in the bible, yet they go around spewing hatred for others and disrespect for their very own President...... just because he is not from their party or not 100% in tune with their particular narcissistic ideology.

    Guys like pspr and max e pad are the real danger to American society, not the OWS people !! These kind of lowlife scum believe they can use vitriol and complete and utter insults or mistruths to criticize the current President (Obama) in the name of winning their own point of view; and demonstrate no ability to accept and respect that he is, right now, leading their Country.

    Guys like max e. pad and pspr and their ILK make me want to vomit..... all over them... for their borderline personality disordered hypocrisies and absent of character! LOL
    #15     Dec 8, 2011
  6. Maverick74


    Murray, the left did exactly the same thing to Bush. This has gone on since the beginning of time. Both sides are hypocrites. I don't know why you are getting so worked up over this. We can all point to politicians on both sides that disgust us.

    Most of the people on the right simply want to be left alone. They want minimal government in their lives. I think it's unconscionable how the government has debased our currency and bankrupted the middle class. So people like me wish the government would just quietly operate in the background and let us live our lives.

    I seem to remember a rant by you a few weeks back over the PDT rule. Well, that is your government at work for you. Trying to control your life. Trying to "protect" you.

    Just let go of the hate man. You can't take it with you when you die.
    #16     Dec 8, 2011
  7. Ricter


    According to pspr in a recent thread, this has not happened. In that thread it was argued that the middle class has never been better off.
    #17     Dec 8, 2011
  8. Max E.

    Max E.

    LOL, yeah im not sure exactly what it is about me that causes him to come completely unhinged, but i had never even sent him a message and then one day he popped down into the politics section and wrote a 3 page paragraph on how much he hates me, and hates republicans, which if he ever read anything i write he would realize that i hate republicans just as much as i do democrats, even though i consider myself a conservative/libertarian.

    #18     Dec 8, 2011
  9. Max E.

    Max E.

    Once again you prove that you have not read anything i have written, i am pro choice, i dont believe in religion, though i believe there may be a god, and i am certainly not a christian. I support Gay marriage, and if gays want to join the military more power to them. Infact when it comes to social issues im pretty liberal, i just dont really care about them that much, because most of them dont effect me. I also hate all the money we spend on the military, and support Ron Pauls ideas when it comes to quitting all this empire building non sense.

    And if its any consolation i hate republican politicians about as much as i do Obama, Obama just happens to be the leader of this shit show right now. I have posted many times that i thought Bush was also a fucking clown. Kindly point out a single mistruth i have ever spread about Obama and i will be happy to correct myself.

    Perhaps you should actually read some of the stuff i write before spewing this non sense.

    #19     Dec 8, 2011
  10. Maverick74


    Yeah, I have no idea why you draw so much hatred Max. LOL. Most people on the right hate all politicians they just give the tiebreaker to repubs on issues all things being equal. I don't even know where all this religion bullshit came from. Honestly, I think trading fucks with people's minds. After so many years, it can do enough damage that people just become unhinged. It's the only way I can explain what goes on down here in the basement of ET. :)
    #20     Dec 8, 2011