I'd like to introduce Korean Derivatives market to you. Currently, as D-RAM Price moves up, the Korean stock market becomes very bullish. Though the market is originally very volatile, current market's implied volatility is over 40%. Trading volume of ATM option on expiration day is about 1 mil. According to the Korea Stock Exchange, Kospi 200 Index Option traded 193.8 mil contracts in year 2000, that is 9 times more than S&P 500 Index Options. Surprisingly, recently, the trading volume is increased to 2 mil. contracts a day. Moreover, as evident with high percentage(over 60%) of online trading volume, online trading environments such as line, server and settlement system are very stable and efficient in Korea. Post any comments and questions if you have. From Korea Andy
could you email me with info on how i can get info on trading that market online thanks, mikebiz1@aol.com
What's the website for the exchange? That sounds like an amazing amount of contracts traded. What are the spreads like?
Hi! www.kse.or.kr is the homepage of Korea Stock Exchange. And my company is www.shinyoung.com What kind of tool(s/w) you use for option trading? If possible, I'd like to look for a method for you to see a real quote through your tools.