A good trailing stop amount for ER2?

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by Amnesiac, Feb 3, 2006.

  1. How did you experienced ER2 traders do the past two days? With all those big swings, it was a great opportunity. I got caught going the wrong way more often than not, but I'm also still a novice at this.
    #11     Mar 4, 2006
  2. OMG69


    Keep your eye on the volume during the pullbacks and especially the Delta.
    This intelligent approach to managing your trades will serve you better than an all encompassing ( dumb) trailing stop can ever do.
    #12     Mar 4, 2006
  3. How exactly do you watch the Delta? Thanks in advance.
    #13     Mar 4, 2006
  4. Stalker


    I don´t understand the greek :))) but I have a practise to get better tuned in with the price action. When a swing ends and the retracement starts I count the ticks/minute during the last swing. If the market moved say 4 points in 20 minutes, for er2 that would be 40/20 = 2.0.
    What I want is to get a better understanding of how different retracements are related to the speed of the market. Not an exact science but helpful for me.

    Some days the market is so strong that you can put a stop 1 tick below the low of the previous bar, other days the first halt turns in to a reverse. So why have a mechanical rule?
    #14     Mar 5, 2006
  5. you better be watching other stuff besides ER2

    in order to have a chance to trade it successfully

    the other indices or indicators need to line up
    properly in the direction that will give you the best shot of entering a trade in ER2

    I agree with the 2-3 handle stop idea
    1 point is too tight for me
    #15     Mar 5, 2006