A fool and his money ...

Discussion in 'Economics' started by ralph00, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. You probably got it wrong, the company was built by his brothers, hence they got 100m each, he and his father were just minority shareholders. they were lucky being related to this business at first place.
    #11     Nov 29, 2010
  2. Both the brother and brother in law could donate a million or two each to help him out. I know I would, especially if my cut had been 100 million.
    #12     Nov 29, 2010
  3. Larson

    Larson Guest

    I believe you are the exception as a good number of families draw the line at the prospect of anyone getting their "stake". It sounds like there is bad blood according to the article, so I suppose they will just let him rot. Why is this guy doing a national piece anyway? Panhandling for donations?
    #13     Nov 29, 2010
  4. That would be the equivalent of burning 1-2 million dollars. He will just squander it it.

    Most Americans cannot manage finances period and if you hand the average American 1 million dollars, in 12 months they would be 50K in the hole most likely.

    What they could do is put the 2 million in investments that generate free cashflow, and just send him a monthly stipend to pay bills, etc.. but not hand him a lump sum.
    #14     Nov 29, 2010
  5. Yeah, I agree...he will blow it, I'm sure. But if he was my family, I would give him the opportunity to redeem himself. If he had a business idea, I would tell him to write up a business plan and let me look at it...if it was good, I would LOAN him the money but not give it. This would at least get the guy motivated to start learning about money & business. But of course if he has some crazy idea about breeding alpacas in oregon, I wont give him the money. It would have to be a halfway decent workable plan.
    #15     Nov 29, 2010
  6. Whatever te way to do this (loan, gift, monthly check, business plan ect.) he and his family are still that: family. Seriously when one side has 100 mil. and the other is struggling, the proper way would be to help. We all have had disagreements with fam. memebers but blood is still thicker in the end. In 50 years we all will have no use for the money.....
    #16     Nov 30, 2010
  7. 9999


    My family only gave me troubles and aggravations. If I'll survive that bunch of ungrateful bastards, I'll happily piss on their graves.
    #17     Nov 30, 2010
  8. TGregg


    Exactly. There is an endless stream of lottery winners who go broke. Sooner or later you'd think that anybody who gets a big chunk of cash would have retention as their primary concern. I mean, how many stories does one need to read before one thinks "JFC, all these other guys went broke. I better be extra #@&^ careful to make sure I don't"?

    This guy's glaring error was sinking over half of his after tax "winnings" into the property.
    #18     Nov 30, 2010