A few hard reasons liberals are idiots...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gastropod, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. You really need to ask for proof...as if this is not obvious?


    If you need me to post proof on the budget stuff...you might want to stop looking at elitetrader and go to a site that only carries cartoons and pictures.

    This is a LOGICAL post! The points of this post are that: Liberals see children as being able to make decisions, but feel that adults are incapable of making decisions - upside down thinking! Liberals think the government should control many aspects of daily life...while the government can't control its own budget.

    #11     Nov 3, 2012
  2. What total nonsense. I understand you are dutifully repeating Obama talking points, but a disagreement about policy isn't the definition of lying.

    The "Romney is a liar" theme was an obvious move by obama to rebut criticism of obama's own failed presidency. If you have nothing to run on, attack your opponent. If you can't rebut his arguments, just holler that he is a liar. Very presidential.

    By contrast, obama seems to be a congenital liar. The latest example is the Benghazi coverup.

    ps. Welcome to ignore. I thought you were a sincere but misguided liberal, but when you try to link lying and Mormonism, you crossed the line. And no, I'm not a Mormon.
    #12     Nov 3, 2012
  3. Only those who cannot discuss like an adult use ignore to hide from the truth, IMO. The documented hourly flip flops and outright lies are legendary, from both he and Ryan.

    Romney may very well win the elections since so many have been easily duped. In which case, I pay off a few grand in bets, and then watch for the next 4 years to see how pants on fire works in the real world.

    And, since Libya is the only GOP talking point handed out to the faithful and gullible, I suppose you read how the CIA responded within 25 minutes of the attack, right? No? Of course not, it's probably not mentioned on Fox.
    #13     Nov 3, 2012