A crude awakening: the oil crash

Discussion in 'Economics' started by schlap, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. So as far as I understand, a single company named "Sapphire energy" claims that they found a way to make algae produce "green crude". Even though it is known that algae produces either oxygen, either hydrogen. I was unable to find no sources with scientific explanation or numbers. All I found were advertisements and hype. Can you provide links to sources?
    #21     Jul 24, 2008
  2. realdeel


  3. Wow, great article!

    And I almost laughed out loud when I read,

    "Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said the nation intends to "defend" its sovereignty in the Arctic"

    How does Canada intend to do this?

    I am not in favor of any invasion of any kind, but I'm just curious...

    #23     Jul 24, 2008
  4. i think they grow algae and then extract the organic stuff (lipids etc.) from them. from that organic stuff the biofuel is made.
    #24     Jul 24, 2008
  5. .. and the algae suck in the CO2 that will eventually be burned by the oil.
    #25     Jul 25, 2008

  6. They have this pretty tough mixed martial arts guy - George St. Pierre.

    If anyone invades, they are counting on him to kick their ass.

    That seems to be the plan. At least for now ...
    #26     Jul 25, 2008
  7. LOL!!!
    #27     Jul 25, 2008