A couple questions for the remaining "birthers"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hello, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. And yet, how many birther-related threads did you either initiate or write posts fanning the flame, questioning his origins?
    #11     Apr 29, 2011
  2. When only half of the country actually voted for the guy in power there is going to be a lot of hating. Conspiracy theories serve that purpose.
    #12     Apr 29, 2011
  3. jem


    I think bush and obama work for the same groups with a little in fighting between soros (bankers) and the bush family (oil).

    none of these guys are looking out for anyone worth less than a unit.
    #13     Apr 29, 2011
  4. Ricter


    You point to an excellent understanding. We have several different of flavors of elites, (academic, entertainment, union, government, finance) and they do battle each other for primacy. Much like the the princes and lords of old did.
    #14     Apr 29, 2011
  5. Just look at the facts:

    1. At the same time that Obama's birth certificate is released, the head of the CIA gets a huge promotion.

    2. At the same time, Fatah and Hamas agree to a truce.

    3. And on that very same day, it was my grandfather's 90th birthday. The reason that's important is because from 1942-1946 he served in military intelligence.

    All you have to do is connect the dots: CIA... Middle East... Military intelligence.

    I think it's pretty obvious what's going on here.

    #15     Apr 29, 2011
  6. Hello


    Since this was clearly a plot from day 1 im curious what the endgame is? What is the desired result that the people who faked Obamas birth certificate hope to achieve. What is the CIA's goal in fking with the birthcertificate? Or did they do it just for the sake ot it?
    2. Dont know what you are implying here. Are you saying that 2 groups of arab people will make peace once you find Obamas real place of birth?

    3. given the fact that your grandfather worked in military intelligence. do you believe that we will catch the people who forged Obamas birth certificate?
    #16     Apr 29, 2011
  7. About that 2 groups of Arab people.......Obama has told them in no uncertain terms that he is not going to tolerate their shit anymore, in the same tone that he told Netanyahu that building houses on other peoples land is a bad idea.

    Netanyahu backed off.....so has Fatah and Hamas.

    and i'm willing to wager a bottle of my finest whisky ......before Obama's time in the White House is over , that dickhead tail in Iran will be the proper size . :cool:
    #17     Apr 29, 2011
  8. Hello


    LOL :D
    #18     Apr 29, 2011
  9. From the serious tone your questions, I'm not sure if you realize I was kidding and you're just playing along... or if you think I was serious.

    To clear things up, I was just kidding. I was giving an example of the bizarre thinking of conspiracy theorists. They connect coincident events by carefully weeding out any facts that might invalidate their theories.

    The birthers minds can't be changed with logic because they didn't arrive at their conclusions logically. The evidence for Obama's birth in Hawaii is overwhelming and has been for years.

    Far more interesting is why Obama won't release his academic records. If you ask nicely, I'll tell you.

    #19     Apr 29, 2011

  10. :) . :cool: .:p
    #20     Apr 29, 2011