A Constitutional Amendment Guaranteed To Rein In The Federal Loviathan

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. I've got two that will fix it all:
    1. If the budget is not balanced by the end of the third year of a presidents term he/she may not run for re-election, nor may any congressional or senate member that are currently in office during that period of time.
    2. Should the need arise for combat troops to be deployed for any reason, one senator from each state will be activated to military duty in a front line, combat infrantry postion, and will hold the rank of private for the duration of the war/police action/anything else they call it. Should that senator be killed in action, or so severly wounded they cannot return to duty, they shall be replaced with 2 congressmen from their state.
    #11     Feb 11, 2010
  2. Love it.
    #12     Feb 11, 2010
  3. This would go a long way to restoring the checks and balances originally set up in the Constitution. Senators were selected by state legislatures, not popular vote, so they were more insulated from popular passions and more attuned to states' rights.

    The Founders were rightfully terrified of the sort of unrestrained democracy we now have. They were sophisticated and educated men, who understood that pure democracy is a deeply flawed system because, sooner or later, 51% decide it is a good idea to start helping themselves to the property of the other 49%. Game over at that point. They tried to prevent that by having a bicameral congress, a prohibition on non-apportioned taxes( ie income tax), strictly limited delegated powers fro congress and strong protections for private property. Eventually, all have been eviscerated by either the courts or constitutional amendments.
    #13     Feb 11, 2010
  4. Ricter


    Those were all nice sentiments on their part, and worked pretty well, comparatively. Unfortunately, we've not yet arrived at an era of "philosopher kings". The wealthy and powerful occupy both the highest seats of business and of government, so they've effectively neutralized the advantages of a bicameral congress.

    The legislative protections for private property are all fine and good when the chief appropriator is government, but the current economic crisis in part indicates that we do not have noble entrepreneurs at the helm ala Ayn Rand's conception, but mere human beings with all their weaknesses, amongst them. greed.

    I think we need a better separation of business and state.
    #14     Feb 11, 2010
  5. silly
    #15     Feb 11, 2010
  6. OH! I forgot one more item. All devil worshiping heathens like yourself must attend southern baptist church 7 days a week until you get your mind right.:eek: :eek: :eek:
    #16     Feb 11, 2010
  7. Lucrum


    + ∞
    #17     Feb 11, 2010
  8. Excellent!
    #18     Feb 11, 2010
  9. your suggestion is silly, not a solution that has any basis in reality but one a naive 5 yr old might make :confused:
    #19     Feb 11, 2010

  10. The problem with the SBC is they feel they are the only church that has God's ear, which is laughable. But you are steering him in the right direction.
    #20     Feb 11, 2010