A Basic Question About Qqq

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by coszhengb, Apr 17, 2004.

  1. Can I trade QQQ or NASDAQ INDEX both side(like future)?
  2. If what you are asking is if you can short QQQ just as easily as you can short the NQ futures, then the answer is yes.

    Is this what you were asking?
  3. Ebo


    You can only short QQQ on an even numbered day, and not on Expiration Days.
  4. You can only short QQQ on an even numbered day, and not on Expiration Days.

    not to mention full blue moon days :p
  5. yes , I want to short QQQ , but how can I open account and which broker I need (stock or future or option)
  6. Any stock margin account should be able to short QQQ.
  7. Ebo


    I use "Fillem and Billem Trading". They have an international presence and are known for lightening fast executions.
    Excellent trading platform and helpful customer service.
  8. cuz


    What the hell are you talking about?
    I was short the Q's 3x yesterday???

    I trade them everyday.

    Please explain

  9. Ebo


    I hope you borrowed the Stock!
    Don't be surprised if you are long.