92% of US say stimulus is NOT working

Discussion in 'Economics' started by sosueme, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. sosueme


    Fox breaking News.

    Latest poll shows 92% of people do NOT think stimulus package is working.
  2. It's not....Every business owner I have talked to say it's neve rbeen so bad...there's no confidence out there.
  3. Stop trying to rain on Obama's Nobel peace prize parade!!!!

    Only good news from the MSM is allowed.

    It's treason to suggest otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. It is for Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. :}
  5. sosueme


    Obama's speech is running late.
    If he is smart he will turn down the Peace Prize.
    If he does, the fuss will die down over the weekend, otherwise it will always haunt him like Monica to Bill.
  6. Apparently NWO had to arrange for this prize to assuage his bruised ego after he and Oprah got rejected for Chicago Olympic Games.
  7. S2007S


    Its definitely working, just look at the stock market, its stimulating stocks a lot higher, without the stimulus plan the markets would be 40% lower.

  8. sosueme


    true true very true
  9. Or....one can think this way....

    Where would the market be if the Obam. Fools started out by doing this....

    Look US...we have big "Bush" Fools financial problems....

    We are going to have to dramatically reduce the size of govt....and thus concentrate our efforts on rebuilding our business/manufacturing base....

    Since unemployment and wind downs will be taking the majority of Americans off the tax payers list....the tax structure will have to be changed to a consumption tax only at the rate of 15%....

    The states will get 10% ....and the FED will get 5%....The IRS and SEC will be eliminated....

    Since the lobbyist system is largely responsible for the economic US demise....we are going to eliminate them....and give the states the required mandates for all state and FED projects by internet vote....

    Some may argue that this will be bad for social security and medicare....among other programs....but the fact is one cannot
    lose what one does not have....There is no money for these programs....The fastest way to get the money ....is to get our businesses up and running.....and by changing our tax system....will make them "head on" competitive with BRIC....

    And in addition we will be changing the financial system....Banks and IBs will no longer be allowed to be in the hedge fund business....Banks will be about local skin in game know your customer loans....and IBs will be about putting more Symbols on the new nongameable fully electronic direct access securties exchange....on which there will be no taxes of any kind ....for all asset classes....All asset classes will have to go through price discovery on the new worldwide exchange....which will be regulated electronically as well.....


    Where would the market be today ? The future ?
  10. Tax cuts and deregulation are the path to growth and prosperity. Anything else is simply foolish and naive. Fail economics are rooted in Keynesian economic policy.
    #10     Oct 9, 2009