900M stimulus package deal reached

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Cuddles, Dec 20, 2020.

  1. Cuddles


    Spaghetti Code likes this.
  2. Trader Curt

    Trader Curt

    Don't think for one second you are getting that money free
    wrbtrader likes this.
  3. Expect a giant gap up on Sundays stock index futures open. Then expect a giant gap up on the cash open tomorrow morning.
  4. S2007S


    Its going to be an incredible night. I'm thinking at least 2%%%%

    Add in bank buy back news and tomorrow into the rest of the week will be gains on top of gains on top of gains. The rally is going to be significant....

    2% rally at open. Could possibly even rally as high as 3-4%!!!!

    Free money!!!!!!!!!
  5. Only $600 in direct payments? Can’t buy many call options with that.
    apdxyk and Scataphagos like this.
  6. luisHK


    So far futures are flat
  7. Uh oh.
  8. S2007S


    Futures down....

    Oh geeez whiz
  9. SammyJ


    All the news is out . Stocks discounting 30-40% growth next yr . The shocker will be if we tank into yr end 8-10% as The whole world is loaded long and shorts are petrified to hold shorts . I’m eyeing this closely
    apdxyk likes this.
  10. maxinger


    and Russell 2000 went down by 1.5%
    #10     Dec 20, 2020