83% of doctors consider quitting over ObamaCare.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Grandluxe, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. jem


    doctors tell my wife they are quitting. If this bill is half as bad as they think it is - it will decimate whats left of the economy. (which is the goal)
    #21     Jul 10, 2012
  2. Bullshit, a couple of months making 4 or 5 grand a month for the ones lucky enough to get a job and they will beg for their doctor jobs back.
    #22     Jul 10, 2012
  3. Sorry but the MD as employee thing is kinda rare.
    I've really only known a few MD's who were traditional employees (except for gubbermint).

    Perhaps it's just my limited sample size but 99% of all Md's I've ever met were either self-employed or partners in a group.
    #23     Jul 10, 2012
  4. Yeah I know that, I was saying job as a figure of speech.
    #24     Jul 10, 2012
  5. BSAM


    A San Diego Zoo monkey can be taught to do what most docs do on an average daily basis.
    They are overpaid...period.

    A key element of the USA medical cartel.
    People are about fed up with the nonsense.
    In fact, people are so fed up, that they go as far as supporting Obamacare.
    That's saying quite a lot about their degree of frustration.
    #25     Jul 10, 2012
  6. BSAM


    Furthermore...I'm quite familiar with the posters on this thread and I am going to credit all of you with enough good sense to know that 83% of USA doctors ain't about to give up their lifestyle because of Obamacare.
    #26     Jul 10, 2012
  7. no kidding. where i live i have 3 doctors as neighbors. these are vacation homes worth about 500-600k and are lived in maybe 12 weeks a year. i am sure these doctors are going to quit their lucrative practices that allow them to afford such a nice living standard and get a regular job like anyone else.
    #27     Jul 10, 2012
  8. Yes
    most of the diagnosis is done by high tech equipment and lab technicians.
    and the medicines to cure patients are made by pharmaceutical companies.
    and most of the real work is done by the NURSES.
    the quack is just the middleman milking the system.
    #28     Jul 10, 2012
  9. 377OHMS


    When people say you are stupid it is just a figure of speech.

    My doctor is pretty old and says that large numbers of older doctors will simply retire and that the quality of care will diminish substantially.
    #29     Jul 10, 2012
  10. jem


    exactly... who do you think makes the big money.
    the old doctors who are head of the groups.

    They have plenty of paperwork and adminstrative problems already. They joke with me about business because I run a business.

    Most of them believe they suck as businesmen...
    and now this profit sucking and practice denying bill takes patient care out of their hands even more.

    some of them are very serious when they say Obamacare is a disaster and they will quit.

    Obamacare was written by insurance companies for insurance companies and only read by insurance companies. ... and delivered by Obama Pelosi and Reid to their pay masters on wall street (the insurance company owners).

    you obama drones are too simple to see that.
    #30     Jul 10, 2012