70% of all Stock Market Trades are held for an average 11 SECONDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by misterno, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. Aok


    There is a moral distinction in "creating value" between 11 seconds and 11 minutes?

    11 hrs? 11 days? 11 months?

    Look some of HFT I dont like. I dont like sub pennying. I dont like quote stuffing especially.

    But otherwise, HFT is going no where. It is the evolution of technology and human corruption. Deal with it or be rendered extinct.

    And Cohan himself says it: If the majority of the vol nowadays is bots pinging one another and you or the retail schlep cant compete eventually they will cannibalize themselves after you. After the market is dead. But who's going to take the other side of your trade then when 70% of the vol is no more? Buffet?

    There are all kinds of players playing different time frames. If you cant beat Michael Jordan at his game better not play him save in a game (or timeframe) you can win.

    But Once the market has been sufficiently concussed by HFT, Then THEY will be flushed.

    Because Then the toothless SEC will realize Joe Public not only is no longer willing to pony up but not as indefinitely witless as they wish. So curbs will punk the HFT crowd and the fleecing can go on with the next market maker/ exchange good ol boy pay to play game as it has for hundreds of years in the greatest game in the world.

    This is new?

    And remember this all took place under Chris Cox and the worthless Republicans. If you think their "free market" mantra is going to save you in 1 week, you're crazy.

    This all has to play out. And it will not end well.
    #31     Oct 25, 2010
  2. We'll see.
    #32     Oct 25, 2010
  3. every trader on this board is a blood sucker. if you don't fess up , then you're fooling yourself.

    this has nothing to do with hft being a pox on all houses.
    #33     Oct 25, 2010
  4. I have absolutely no idea what point you are trying to make.
    #34     Oct 25, 2010
  5. Eight


    Karl Marx had it right... "The guy with the machines makes all the money". That was more than 150 years ago and you guys are just trying to come to grips with it? Get a life, learn to write some software, enjoy...
    #35     Oct 25, 2010
  6. So true!

    Unless you are in a job that only you can do, you are doing another job seeker (may be a desperate one) a favor taking yourself off the job market.

    Being with your loved ones is something only you can do. Most employment there are others out there - many quite desperate for a job!
    #36     Oct 26, 2010
  7. Why isn't SEC protecting genuine investors from HFT speculators?
    #37     Oct 26, 2010
  8. Follow the money. They pay a lot more in fees and contribute to the right political parties.
    #38     Oct 26, 2010
  9. rew


    I believe they are investigating quote stuffing right now. Remember though that a lot of investors are wondering why the SEC doesn't protect them from traders like the ones right here at ET.
    #39     Oct 26, 2010
  10. Why isn't SEC protecting genuine investors from ET-style speculators?
    #40     Oct 26, 2010