"60 Minutes" Runs "H.F.T.S." story again on August 11, 2013

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by JesseJamesFinn, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Bob111


    this is more than enough to me..
  2. Its false. HFT stop trading when the going gets tough.
  3. Manoj!!

  4. lwlee


    Surf! Surf!

    What happened, man???? I thought we were riding BIOD to 9???? You left me holding the bag at 6!!!! What I'm gonna do NOW? Double down?? :confused:

  5. zdreg


    manjo eh?

    did you learn that at sykes's home?

    a manjo is a musical instrument played by pulling ones penis tight enough to where it can be strummed like a guitar. often used in folk music in nudist colonies.
  6. RedDuke


    From everything that I read, the same happened during 1987 crash, MMs stopped making the market.

    Removing the quotes during the panic is not a real issue, it is all other unfair advantages that should be reigned in.

    Then again, only traders really care about this issue. majority of people that I know, who invest, do not give a damn. Their thinking, few pennies here and there, who cares, if I told the stocks for weeks and months.
  7. Bob111


    sure..here is their practice routine before performance :p

  8. Bob111


  9. Dude, I posted clearly when we closed that trade. surf.

    It's still going to 9 but going lower first.
    #10     Aug 12, 2013