$550 BILLION in two hours.....LOL!!!

Discussion in 'Economics' started by AMT4SWA, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. Smart money already got out long before the mess. probably all the dumb money getting out at bottom.
    #11     Feb 6, 2009
  2. The people who sold then are better off right now than the people who are still holding so you could say they are slightly smarter. However i think everyone who uses the buy and hold strategy without being able to identify yearly trends are idiots. That would most likely include 99% of the mutual fund industry.
    #12     Feb 6, 2009
  3. Half a trillion in only 2 hours? That's way too fast to be your neighbors and friends running away. It's also in the middle of the work day, how could it be so concentrated? This looks like a classic attempt at an engineered run on a bank, they've been done a few times before.
    Next step is buying up assets on the cheap..

    Looking at time zones, it looks like it's afternoon, it would be 4 pm in London, 5 in Germany. and it's early sleeping time in Asia.
    #13     Feb 6, 2009