$5000 per month trading profits

Discussion in 'Trading' started by theShadow, Dec 11, 2002.

  1. After 12 years of great mkts...

    November came out to $5000 measly bucks

  2. What are you saying?:confused:
  3. he is saying this market
  4. In Cambodia that's a lifetime of hard labor, if you're lucky. perspective :cool:

  5. That's true; the market has been better. But being disappointed because of only making 5K for the month does not get my sympathy. (He could have lost that much).

    Hey, shadow-- you so pitiful--why don't you get rid of that disgusting, measly little ole 5000 and send it to me. That way you want have to think about it. :D
  6. I lost that much today... Must be the same 5 grand we are talking about :D

    EDIT: sorry, didn't notice it was for November.
  7. i feel bad for you
  8. skeptic123

    skeptic123 Guest

    November ended 11 days ago. Why are you posting today?
  9. After 12 years of great mkts...

    November came out to $5000 measly bucks


    my Nov. came to measly $50000 , and I was upset, but now, after hearing your story, I'll stop being so hard on myself
  10. sdtrader, what's going on with you guys? Is it no follow thru for the moves? Just curious about your perspective.

    #10     Dec 11, 2002