$50,000 worth of development for free

Discussion in 'App Development' started by Aquarians, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. I'm gonna apply to financing all by myself. I can come up with $50k over two years out of my own savings. Will hire two math/comp-sci juniors and train them into quant devs, have them extend and improve my backtesting & auto trading software and most importantly ramp them up into "miners" of trading strategies. This will leverage my time invested from 2-3 hours per day to (16 + 2). Best of all, at the end of the period I get my money back from the state so I did it all for free. Gained two additional years of leveraged research, saved another $50k as trading capital and if all goes well, we can continue self-financing from that capital and strategies mined in the meantime.
    #11     Feb 16, 2018
    tommcginnis likes this.
  2. punisher


    That's a good guess. At best, he is either in PL or HU, at worst BG or RO.

    As a result of the "iron curtain" and many years of socialism, there are still large parts of the populations there that think in terms entitlements, therefore a questions like the one OP asked: should he be making an out of pocket investment of $50k (that later get's reimbursed)? what he is really trying to say is to vent his frustration "why the state is not providing $50k upfront" for that investment. The answer (to both) is pretty straightforward for anyone understanding how capitalism works.
    #12     Feb 17, 2018
  3. You're painting with a broad brush.

    Take Russians for instance. They're probably the most imbecile people on the planet, just watch some of their YouTube videos. At the same time they're probably the smartest people on the planet, just watch what they were / are able to do.
    #13     Feb 17, 2018
  4. punisher


    Being Polish myself, my paintbrush is sharp enough. There is no need to share with us where are you from, as nobody here really cares, however it does prove that you have some issues with yourself. Anyways, best of luck to you.

    BTW I don't understand that admiration of Russian "achievements" as I don't really know what they are (aside from wasting a great deal of wealth from natural resources into weapons over decades). Yet I don't see much difference between stupid/imbecile/redneck individuals, no matter where they live.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
    #14     Feb 17, 2018
    SunTrader likes this.
  5. I'll give you $500k reimbursement later if you pay out of your pocket for an investment now. Are you in? By the way, I may change my mind at the end. Ahh, you signed a contract with me? U sure you read every word of those 500 pages and respected every one of them to the letter? What, you're having second thoughts, you the guy who understands how capitalism works?
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2018
    #15     Feb 18, 2018
  6. SunTrader


    Who are you going to hack the $500k from?
    #16     Feb 20, 2018
  7. It's a thought example. I've put $500k as a more significant sum since $50k seems to be pocket money for most of you. The idea is you put a large amount of money into a business which later may or may not get reimbursed and most likely you'll need to pour much more money anyways, like $1M.

    It's (almost) like with angel capital, seems easy but it's not. You actually have to have a viable business idea, ideally traction and already be profitable.
    #17     Feb 21, 2018
  8. maxinger


    Interesting way of market a product.

    It doesn't appeal to me cause it is free.
    #18     Feb 21, 2018
  9. Nothing to see here, move along then.
    #19     Feb 21, 2018
  10. Noone replied nothing so I'll carry on with my train of thoughts.

    The bid-ask spread observation ( https://www.elitetrader.com/et/threads/bid-ask-spread.317871/ ) is valid not just for recruiters but 100x more for the crowd they recruit for. Intuitively it makes sense, they're just the tip of the iceberg. Do you know what the looks of an iceberg is and how that relates to it's physical constitution?

    Anyways recruiters recruit the scum of this world, the developers, for the next level in the trophic chain of food, the managers. Just don't be fooled to think the much revered "hiring manager" floats anything near the sea level. Where birds of pray start making their appearance.

    But I diverged :)

    The observational intelligence you can apply as a trader to *all* markets and extends to *all* classes (of people) is that a high bid-ask spread denotes incompetence at best, ill-intentions at worst. An *infinite* bid-ask spread as it's the case with 99% of the developers who ASK (AAAASSSSKKK, the sell side!) for 7 figures salaries while bragging with their 6 figure ones, while at the same time hesitating to buy (BID: BIIIIIDDD, the buy side) even at fucking ZERO (fucking told ya I'm paying $50k out of my own pocket and you lamers still attack me with stuff like it's not negative enough yet)... well.

    No comment.

    Going to grab two more beers so I can vomit now.
    #20     Feb 22, 2018
    tommcginnis likes this.