5% per month

Discussion in 'Journals' started by greenhunt, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. Greenhunt,

    Looking forward to your ideas. Don't hesitate to use the ignore button for the jerks who only snipe at you, but offer nothing of their own.
    #11     Jun 4, 2006
  2. Magna

    Magna Administrator


    This is a trading journal. If you'd like to have a discussion about the ins 'n outs of hedge funds best to start another thread on that topic. Thanks.
    #12     Jun 4, 2006
  3. If you've ever managed money for outside clients via a hedge fund or even a managed acount then you will know that it is an emotional rollercoaster. Clients love you when you make money, get upset if others make more than you, then hate you once you have a drawdown.

    Better beleive it, managing OPM is one Herculean task. I recommend you read Pit Bull by Marty Schwartz, he discuses this in great detail. His experience was in the early 90's and I would argue it is even WORSE now.
    #13     Jun 4, 2006
  4. LOL

    Fellas, relax you grow a thick skin after a career in trading, so keep the comments coming. Personally I could care less if you guys believe what I post or not, I have nothing to prove and I am not perfect. The reason I started this thread was to hopefully provide some decent trading ideas and maybe educate some folks as well. I am going away for a week next Tuesday and I will start posting my trades after I come back.

    I am not asking anyone to follow my trades, I am just posting what I am doing in one of my accounts. I will also ruffle some of your feathers with my trading philosophy, like:

    -I don't use stops
    -I don't time the market
    -I could care less whats on the news
    -I make the most money when I am away from the computer
    -I am always hedged

    More on these later

    #14     Jun 5, 2006
  5. when you stop learning...........you stop growing. I am always on the search for a new perspective. I look forward to your posts.

    Thanx in advance,
    #15     Jun 5, 2006
  6. My wife complains that if I wouldn't listen so intently to her speak I would understand what she is saying. :confused: That's a cop-out for not being able to express oneself accurately and concisely, imo. Clarity of thought and conveyance of same are valuable commodities around here. That said, I'm not interested in reading the journal of a new trader. However, if by some oversight the important word "not" was omitted from the above quote, then perhaps this journal - given its title - will be worth reading.
    #16     Jun 5, 2006
  7. Oops!!!

    Inandlong - you are correct, that was supposed to be 'not' new to trading. Thank you for pointing that out. Great start to a new thread, uh. Fortunately, my trading is better than my writing. Is there a way I can edit that?

    [Note from Magna: fixed it]
    #17     Jun 5, 2006
  8. I want to make 5% a month.

    So... where are the trades?
    #18     Jun 6, 2006
  9. Tamaharbor, it is people like you that scare away the good posters. Expecting to ride on the coattails of a successful trader and not do any legwork yourself.

    Greenhunt is here to provide insight and intellectual stimulation, NOT free money!
    #19     Jun 6, 2006
  10. Like I said earlier I will start posting my trades and provide complete transparency in two weeks. I started this thread early so I can get a feel for the comments, responses and what type of people are on this forum. And no, I do not have a foolproof way of making tons money with no risk that any fool can follow.

    It is emotionally very difficult to follow a strategic system and it is not for everyone.
    I am not a very emotional person, quite the opposite actually, but I have never lost more money faster than when I was trading futures on a discretionary basis, phew.
    #20     Jun 6, 2006