41 billionaires are now as rich as the poorest half of the world population

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by dealmaker, Jan 22, 2021.

  1. VicBee


    Agreed, cut military spending by 10% and use the money to pay down the federal debt.
    #51     Jan 22, 2021
  2. newwurldmn


    what does reallocate current resources mean?

    change budget priorities from what to what?

    we have to borrow to pay our interest expense.

    Trade imbalances are a product of a free market - the kind of market a typical trader would want.

    Stop sending money overseas... to say Israel? I agree with this.
    #52     Jan 22, 2021
    VicBee likes this.
  3. Cuddles


    Remember when Jeff made history and cucked Elon w/a flying giant dildo making his rocket the 1st recoverable rocket? Pepperidge farms remembers.
    #53     Jan 23, 2021
  4. 10%? How about cutting it by 80 or 90 percent. The US has paid much more with its wargame and veteran worship in the past 100 years than the benefits it derived. If it focused purely on defending its own borders DOMESTICALLY and produced top notch products the world wants then there would be several trillion dollars available for much needed infrastructure investments and expanding education and national Healthcare. Instead generation upon generation is brainwashed into believing a military presence around the globe is an absolute must for existence. It is not.

    #54     Jan 23, 2021
  5. gkishot


    Are you in a military? Maybe get rid of a military all together?
    #55     Jan 23, 2021
  6. NoahA


    I look at this issue as a chicken/egg type think. Not about which came first, but which is more important. Is the product more important or the customer? Granted, the bottom half of the population is not buying Tesla cars, but looking at the wealth of the Waltons, it would not be what it is today if it wasn't for poor people needing the basic necessities of life in order to survive.

    I propose this question. If a rich dude wants to buy a penthouse suite that is 50 floors up, he is looking at 20 million dollars lets say. (depending on the city of course) But we all know that you can't build a building that is 50 floors high without having all the units below. You need hundreds of people each paying 300-400-500k for anything from studio apartments to 2 bedroom suites in order to pay for the building getting higher and higher so that one dude can buy the top floor. If you don't have these people on the lower floors, the rich dude will need to spend a hundred million perhaps in order to build a tower tall enough with an elevator to put him on the top and acquire that land.

    The rich actually need the poor and middle class much more than I think they realize. Or they do know it, but are just that much more clever at hiding it.
    #56     Jan 23, 2021
  7. 1. Stop propagating about wealth inequality. Not everyone wants to be rich and they do not seek wealth. They are content with what they have and don't tell them what to do.

    2. Some people will be rich, some will be poor, some are hard working, some are dumb, some are smart. Diversity is a strength last I heard?

    3. Left wing policies is one of the reasons why wealth inequality widens.
    - Welfare, people are dependent on the government and no incentive to work or innovate.
    - High Taxes and Regulations, restricting newcomers from growing, maintaining the monopoly.
    - Mass Immigration, reducing costs for big corporations(labor cost), making them richer while the middle class losing their jobs(poorer).
    #57     Jan 23, 2021
    KCalhoun and gkishot like this.
  8. gkishot


    Some have higher credit score, some have lower. Some love squash, but others hate squash and love eggplants. There is inherent inequality in human nature. Why pride on and advocate diversity on the one hand and equality on the other?
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2021
    #58     Jan 23, 2021
    Dicer likes this.
  9. Nonsense. Where do you think those people came from who find themselves unemployed, without health insurance, homeless. Makes zero sense to suggest left wing policies caused this. No, a system causes this that propagates a "winner takes all" mentality. A system without much of a welfare net. A system, that provides tons of loopholes to the wealthy but taxes the hell out of the middle class. A system where jealousy and FoMo is celebrated. A system that the same people created that are now suffocating by it. It's a complex and deep problem. What I will never understand is why America has such a hard time to look at, learn from, and copy from those nations that have some of the happiest people on earth, people with a relatively low wealth gap, a healthy and prosperous middle class. Whenever I hear Americans comparing themselves to other countries its either evil China, evil Venezuela, or evil Russia. You never hear anyone praise Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Japan, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Holland, New Zealand, Australia. Is it so hard to admit there are many nations out there that are performing way better on many metrics? It's shortsighted to try to reduce everything to left vs right.

    #59     Jan 23, 2021
    VicBee and ElCubano like this.
  10. The question is how rich is "God" and who is worth more to him? "they dwell in the poverty of their riches", couldn't be any truer statement than that. With so many problems in the world, it's embarrassing to be on any "rich" list. Nothing wrong with being wealthy, just cringe-worthy making people think it's worth something...
    #60     Jan 23, 2021
    DiceAreCast likes this.