4 US hostages killed by pirates in Somalia

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 377OHMS, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. I really think this guy is gay. He made that motion across his
    chest and clicked his fingers when he said this.
    #51     Feb 22, 2011
  2. 377OHMS


    Not a word from our milquetoast president.

    Let Hillary condemn piracy in a harshly worded statement. That'll serve as future deterent I'm sure.

    The phone rang at 3:00 AM in the White House but nobody cared.
    #52     Feb 22, 2011
  3. I think President Obama is too soft on this one. The Somali Pirates should be enemies of the state and all those who provide comfort, aid, or safe harbor should be considered so as well. They are a clear and present danger to national interests by molesting travelers flying our flag.

    Any suspicious ships leaving Somali shores are subject to boarded, their crews captured or killed and their cargo confiscated. These people are terrorists!
    #53     Feb 23, 2011
  4. Regardless of what those people were doing, they knew they were going into dangerous territory. The news said that the owner of the yacht asked his friends to pray for him b/c he was worried about pirates. It's terribly sad that they were killed by those pirating thieving bastards, but I honestly think they knew the potential dangers.

    The U.S. can't save everyone who puts themselves in known international danger. Pirates are an international problem. Those bastards are making a lot of money. There's needs to be an international response -- not only a U.S. response.
    #54     Feb 23, 2011
  5. The communication system of the USM aren't interoperative with other nations... it gets done faster...

    look IRAK I loooonnggg
    IRAK III ( BUSH ) 3 weeks (llooonnnggg tooo)
    #55     Feb 23, 2011
    #56     Feb 23, 2011
  7. 377OHMS


    Consensus is that these people were aware of the danger and took a risk that didn't go their way.

    I don't think that it is proper for a big chunk of INTERNATIONAL waters to be off-limits to Americans. It sets a precedent like China claiming rights to big pieces of the Pacific ocean. It has always been important for the USN to protect the rights of passage for Americans in international waters. Obama is abrogating his duty to these slain citizens. They don't count.
    #57     Feb 23, 2011
  8. wtf man. they were killed while being rescued by the us navy half way around the world. what more do you want. you cant bail out every moron in the world when they do stupid things. americans are warned to stay away from those waters.
    #58     Feb 23, 2011
  9. 377OHMS



    The USN needs to shell those pirate bases. Obama is a huge vagina for not getting it done. A coward. A pansie.

    The House should start impeachment proceedings immedietely.
    #59     Feb 23, 2011
  10. there are probably thousands of local fishing boats that leave those shores every day. you want them all boarded and searched? think a little bit. where are we going to get the manpower?
    #60     Feb 23, 2011