4:1 DTBP

Discussion in 'Trading' started by sallyboy, Oct 3, 2001.

  1. sallyboy

    sallyboy Guest

    Just had to comment on the new 4:1 day trading buying power..........WOW!

    Now that I've been using it for a few days, I love it. Of course, one can get burned due to the higher leverage, but if used with a disciplined trading system, it can make a nice difference in the bottom line.

    I know there are some out there that work at a prop firm, or trade options & futures where leverage is inherently greater. But for someone who has always worked from home with 2:1, 4:1 is nice. Although I usually only use about 3:1. This allows me some extra buying power in the event I see another opportunity as well as just being a little more cautious.

    Comments welcome.