32% Inflation in UCLA Tuition Causes Near Riots (14 Arrested, 1 Tasered)

Discussion in 'Economics' started by WallStWhizKid, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. aegis


    Relative speaking, UC's tuition rate is still cheap. I pay more than that in Florida where the average salary is substantially lower.

    Not to mention, California community colleges are the cheapest in the nation at $20/credit. If they were smart, they could have completed the first two years of their degree at a 2-year public college for less than $1500 in tuition and then transferred to a UC school.

    They have absolutely nothing to bitch about.
    #21     Nov 19, 2009
  2. nitro


    Another kid I know is going to Northwestern University studying Quantum Mechanics. He simply cannot afford it anymore. So what he did is, he learned chinese, and is now going to China to learn QM there for a fraction (free ?) of what it costs here.

    I forget exactly what it was, but he said that he could not go to a less expensive university in the US, because many of these fancy places like Northwester, etc, do not accept transfer credits from many schools.

    And we wonder why we have less and less scientists in this country...
    #22     Nov 19, 2009
  3. That's what I did community college and UC grad.
    #23     Nov 19, 2009
  4. nitro


    I am curious and if I may ask, what is your degree in? It appears that only certain coursework is transferable from California CCs to UC:

    "The University has developed and maintains Transferable Course Agreements with all of California's community colleges. These agreements specify those courses that will receive baccalaureate degree credit from the University. All community colleges also have agreements with UC campuses that specify which of the transferable courses may be used to meet various general education/breadth and major preparation requirements. These agreements were developed to ensure continuity in students’ academic programs. It is important that prospective transfer students take college courses that are acceptable to UC for transfer credit."

    #24     Nov 19, 2009
  5. I have an inherent dislike for UCLA.

    Can you guess why?

    Besides: I didn't say Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming, I said Taser those ingrate little fucks.

    #25     Nov 19, 2009
  6. aegis



    It looks like California community colleges don't have articulation agreements worked out with their university system. This seems rather strange for such a big state.

    In most other states, if you completed an AA in General Studies at a public CC, you're guaranteed admission to a public university in that state. At least, that's how it works in Florida. It helps prevent overcrowding and the universities actually encourage it to keep costs down.
    #26     Nov 19, 2009
  7. Illum


    Is it right to call this inflation? I'm not sayin the dollar isn't circling the toilet bowl... but this may not be inflation related. They may be hurting on their investments and can't fund the programs they are used too. Plus UCLA is cheap as hell compared to institutions ranked as high as they are. They probably feel because their tuition is so low, they can can increase with no sweat, and I'm sure they can. Great school, and still cheap.
    #27     Nov 19, 2009
  8. Inflation is not the cause, it is the symptom. Anything of value becomes less valuable when more of it is produced, and the paper fiat dollar is no exception. Helicopter Bernanke told us years ago he would run the printing presses 24/7, so the money supply is out of control. The component known as M1 is now secret in the Fed, keeping real information from the public about how much money has been produced, but sending the government to audit the Fed is like sending the pimp to check the girls. The bottom line is that our dollar buys less. Prices are 50% higher than 7 years ago. Check it out. Your money buys half of what it did in 2002.

    Call it inflation, a falling dollar, or whatever; the result is the same. You cannot buy what you could buy before. It takes twice as many reserve notes (which is neither money nor is it Constitutional, per the founders) to buy what you bought before. That is the symptom of the Greenspan/Bernanke money printing machine called the Fed, and of the removal of US currency from the gold standard, some 40 years ago.

    California schools aren't cheap anymore partially because the illegals have used up the state's money, and unfortunately for them, California doesn't have printing presses with which to make more money.
    #28     Nov 19, 2009
  9. nitro


    Maybe that is the key, you can go to a state school without much problem and transfer credits from a CC, but may not work as in the case of the person I know that goes to Northwestern which is a private school.
    #29     Nov 19, 2009
  10. Lethn


    Am I the only one who feels sorry for the police that eventually are going to get told to go up against the millions of people that will probably start rioting once they find out that the Democrats simply can't afford the new healthcare bill? Or alternatively they do something equally more retarded like try to quarantine people because of Swine Flu?

    If I were a police officer in that situation I'd just go "Fuck you" to my boss and join the rioters lmao.
    #30     Nov 19, 2009