25k--> 50k Portfolio Challenge

Discussion in 'Trading' started by M.T. Valencia, Feb 1, 2023.

Is 2023 going to finish up or down on the year?

  1. Positive

  2. Negative

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  1. 2023 Is off to a good start... Let's see if we can keep it going.
  2. Whoops. Do I win?
    TrailerParkTed and newwurldmn like this.
  3. Um... Maybe. You're probably showing a paper trading account, hence, the tiny screenshot of just the "pnl" and not the entire positions. You should be a little more transparent if you want people to believe that..
  4. How about this?
    TrailerParkTed likes this.
  5. Ahhh.. This is better. But you have to much redacted. The only thing that needs to be redacted is your Account Number... so, try again.
  6. why don’t u show us some of ur pnl?
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2023
  7. What... do you eat crayons or something? Look at my 1st post up above. It's ALL there and then some. Show me anyone who's more transparent with their portfolio...
  8. I thought yesterday was a good day... Today is even better for the ol' portfolio.
  9. I've seen many people who think the market is beginning the next leg down that will take us down below the 2022 lows. I'm thinking this is a regular pull back and we are going to continue to make a new high for 2023 after this consolidation.