25 Things Beyond "The Wall Or No Wall" Question

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Scataphagos, Feb 4, 2019.

  1. "... Wall or no wall, there are many things that will still be true about life in “the land of the free.” Here are twenty-five of them... "

    1. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have an income tax that robs them of the fruits of their labor.

    2. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a government that subsidizes some Americans at the expense of other Americans.

    3. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a national debt of more than $22 trillion.

    4. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have civil asset-forfeiture laws that allow police to seize and sell any property they allege to have been involved in a crime even if the property owner is never arrested or convicted of a crime.

    5. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a military that bombs, maims, and kills foreigners who are no threat to the United States.

    6. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have socialist programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

    7. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have occupational-licensing laws that make them get permission from the government to work or engage in commerce.

    8. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a national government with a budget of more than $4 trillion a year.

    9. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a war on drugs that is a monstrous evil and has ruined more lives than drugs themselves.

    10. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a U.S. global empire of troops and bases that occupy the world.

    11. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have laws that forbid legal adults younger than 21 years old from purchasing alcohol even though they can get married, serve in the military, and enter into contracts.

    12. Wall or no wall, Americans will still be subject to laws that forbid them from engaging in certain kinds of commerce on Sundays.

    13. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have anti-discrimination laws that restrict freedom of thought, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, and property rights.

    14. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a government with a foreign policy that is reckless, belligerent, interventionist, and meddling.

    15. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have federal gun-control laws that violate the Second Amendment.

    16. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a government that owns millions of acres of land, including more than half of the land in some states.

    17. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a welfare state that transfers wealth from some Americans to other Americans.

    18. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a TSA that treats the traveling public as potential terrorists.

    19. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a police state where government spying, surveillance, and searches continue unabated.

    20. Wall or no wall, Americans will still be restricted from freely traveling to Cuba.

    21. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have laws that criminalize the commission of victimless crimes.

    22. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a government that forces some Americans to pay for the health care of other Americans.

    23. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a Patriot Act that endangers civil liberties.

    24. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a deep state and a military-industrial complex.

    25. Wall or no wall, Americans will still have a Constitution that is violated every day that Congress is in session.
    If the wall is ever built, America will merely go from being a welfare/warfare/police state to a walled-in welfare/warfare/police state. The United States has deep systemic problems that building a wall will never solve.

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