25 Reasons You Might be a Liberal

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. Arnie


    #21     Aug 19, 2008
  2. ===================
    Good rebukes.

    Street smart like a FOX:D
    #22     Aug 19, 2008
  3. Well as we both know there's nothing libertarian about self identified liberals.

    And yes your implication is entirely correct-language has been corrupted.

    A classic "liberal" would oppose higher taxes, gun control, restricted language, interventionism, drug laws ect.

    And BTW, remember my "paste it and save" from yesterday? Already one can hear the drumbeat from the Left that 'if we hadn't fought Bush's illegal war in Iraq we'd be able to confront Russia." Ah, so nice to know the Left is no longer the voice of "peace". As if they ever were. I'm sure you'll agree Doc that we could really live without "testing" other nuclear powers........
    #23     Aug 19, 2008
  4. Oh I totally agree brother.....I don't wish to "test" and other nuclear powers. I wish to give the world a coke and smile.

    However you see Obama as the one to possibly do it. I, on the other hand see McCain as the one that may do it. We just disagree there. I see Obama more like Bubba Jeff Clinton.... much more domestically oriented but running to the right and talking tough to get elected. Where as I see McCain as a pissed off little runt who even at this late age still has yet to over come his "little man's disease," and may feel the need to work out his daddy issues with American blood and treasure much like "Bush the Dumber," has.
    #24     Aug 19, 2008
  5. That is a very interesting article....thanks for posting that.

    The problem is that Newt got bent over butt fuxxed in public by a hillbilly (President) who bragged that he once had astro-turf in the bed of his El Camino.

    And was very shameful and painful to watch....this coming from a guy who stayed up very late watching CSPAN and the new congress the night that Newt took over as speaker.

    #25     Aug 19, 2008
  6. TGregg


    Outstanding post! We should add some:

    * You have more in common with Osama Bin Laden's political ideals than those of our Founding Fathers

    * You think a couple military and economic defeats would be good for the USA

    * You think the Iwo Jima Memorial is racist and sexist because it only shows white guys

    * You think George Bush is dumb but still managed to pulled off the biggest conspiracy ever (9/11)
    #26     Aug 20, 2008