240% return per year?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by cooolweb, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. volente_00


    You want more of something then you must give it away first.

    Applies to everything in life from money to knowledge.

    From this day on give 10% of your trading profits towards helping the less fortunate and you will be surprised what you end up with in return.

    In the end you will be remembered by the lives you touched and not the money you made.
    #21     Sep 26, 2011
  2. I remember all the conquererors...
    Roman empire
    English empire
    US bombing of japan

    I don't remember any philanthropist , other then Vanderbuilt college. Thats cause I've applied there and was rejected!


    Your theory is debunked.
    #22     Sep 27, 2011
  3. King of the world and you starting with 1.5 mill capital and thats probably highly leveraged . You sound like a pimply faced wannabe gangster trying to impress people who dont really matter . Some people are living the dream and some live in a dream , no prizes for guessing where this clown fits .

    Good luck with it all ;-) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JOG ON
    #23     Sep 27, 2011
  4. KBaines


    Anyone that believes anything the OP says needs their heads examined.
    #24     Sep 27, 2011
  5. dude, I'll buy you 10 times.
    #25     Sep 27, 2011
  6. This OP reminds me of the guy from FLOORED Episode 3 (documentary about pit traders).


    Have a look at 6:01 onwards. Is that you cooolweb?

    With all the stuffed animals he poached and killed in Africa, zero taste, truly one of the most disguisting specimens of human kind in existance. Have a look at the clip, you'll know what I mean. There are people who make a lot more % than that and they stay humble about it. Have some style. There have been countless big earners who spent their money and kept the economy going with wasteful spending. There are but a few who decided to do something for their communities.

    I for one would like to establish a non-profit company for medical/neurological research. There are so many ideas out there, and you could be far less useless to the world if you tried.
    #26     Sep 27, 2011
  7. AK100


    #27     Sep 27, 2011
  8. Its not about if I make more money then the other guy,
    its how many guys who have it all?

    YOUTH to enjoy it all (age 30)

    One with all 4 can live a wonderous life.

    Do you actually think I act like this in real life? Seriously. This is just an outlet for my ego, it needs to come out somewhere, the forum is where I shit it out. I'm always having a good laugh at the crap I can conjure up on the messageboards :)

    <b>where in this world can you sit around and brag how good looking you are,</b> In real life, I'd look like a mental patient. Love the FORUMS.
    #28     Sep 27, 2011
  9. Even more reason why no one should pay attention to this clown. At least you admit the fact that you use the forum to let your ego go, i give you credit for that. Thats why everything you say should be taken with a grain of salt.
    #29     Sep 27, 2011
  10. we are all a joke, myself included. Forums a place for entertainment, and every now and then some nuggets.

    I post random bullshit, practice it so , it comes out smooth when I tell it to the ladies.


    "I'm a trader... you know was just purchasing a new mailbox for my estate, my home is so annoying sometimes, the road that leads to my house is a block long, its not even a big house because I have around 10 relatives that comes to visit..
    these days 13 bedrooms is NOT ENOUGH."

    #30     Sep 27, 2011