2020 in $$$- how did you perform

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by nursebee, Jan 20, 2021.

How much did you make via trading last year

  1. <$0

  2. <$1,000

  3. <$10,000

  4. <100K

  5. 100K-1M

  6. >1M

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  1. nursebee


  2. Axon


    I decided to do something really stupid so went and bought 1000 shares of SOXL in April. I'm still holding. That along with a nice /NQ long, swing trades in my other stock account, and a long term hold of Bitcoin and Ethereum and, hey, I'm not complaining. Hopefully 2021 is even better.
  3. SteveM


    Good news: The family accounts I manage are up 118% from the March 2020 panic lows.

    Not-as-good news: Those accounts are only up 26% since 1/1/2020.
  4. Trader Curt

    Trader Curt

    Made 100k on third year of trading. And although I have learned a lot about trading I give most of the credit to the bullish markets for making it that way. I do not take any credit over an easy market, nor do I feel any emotion about the money I've made. In fact I feel like a lifeless zombie about it, all chilled out and shit...
  5. Laura48


    The year was full of ups and downs, a good mixture of both losses and profits. Fortunately, succeeded in making some good net earnings though.