2002 is about over

Discussion in 'Trading' started by thunderbolt, Nov 17, 2002.

  1. That's "hear" not "here"--sorry!
    #101     Dec 4, 2002
  2. I can only guess that you don't have much experience (more than 5 years).

    I've noticed that many people on this board have less than 10 years experience, until you have been thru both Bull and Bear markets you are NOT an experienced trader.

    I have been thru '73-'75 Bear, '79-'80 Bear (Peanut farmer JIMMY CARTER-LIBERAL LOSER America held hostage 444 days) Oct 19th 1987 crash (I was on the floor of the CME) Worst day of my life, market dropped 23% in ONE DAY :mad: 2000-'03 Bear market (yes I said 2003).

    I am so glad I did not begin my career '98-2000. These traders had NO CLUE what they were doing, making money could be done by a MONKEY :p Now these traders (I use that term very loosely) have found that stocks can actually go DOWN, what a concept. :eek:

    I started to "POSITION" do the downside in NOV of 1999, I was SHORT most stocks up until two months ago, made a shit load of money in 2001 (7 figures) :D

    Traders "TRADE" period! I could care less if I am long or short, although 60% of the time I am short (stocks fall faster than they rise, so my money in effect has better leverage).

    The opportunity to make money in any market is endless, I can name over 100 stocks right now that have unbelieveable potential.

    Anyone who says there is NO opportunity is Full of Shit. If you can't find opportunities in stocks, try the grain pits at the CBOT, ot cattle at the CME, or GOLD in NY.

    #102     Dec 4, 2002