20-Year-Old Robinhood Customer Commits Suicide After Seeing A $730,000 Negative Balance

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ajacobson, Jun 17, 2020.

  1. ajacobson


  2. Cuddles


    watching coworkers talk options heuheuheu.....Long $ROPE
    d08 likes this.
  3. Trader Curt

    Trader Curt

    A horrible example of someone who can't control their emotions in the market. He probably got super excited after he leverage traded his account and never thought once about the downside of it. It's a shame that he will never know what riches are besides material possessions.
    Sprout and Manwithvan77 like this.
  4. Overnight


  5. guru


    No, it doesn’t seem he used leverage. Did you read the article?
    CocaColaKid likes this.


    Does Robinhood really have confetti pop up and stuff on the screen when you make a trade?

    That's what slot machines do oh my goodness.
    Renzo likes this.
  7. S2007S


    There was no leverage. It was done using options.

    I can guarantee you in the next months ahead they are going to make some significant changes to the trading industry because of all these new traders coming into the market having no idea the risk it involves.
    Mark_123 and bone like this.


    That's what the $25,000 PDT rule is all about.

    back in the day during the tech bubble all these day traders started committing suicide and so the government came up with this rule
    Atikon, Nobert and kmiklas like this.
  9. S2007S


    I remember that change. You could literally daytrade with as little account money as you wanted and there was no limit on how many trades you could make. Today they flag the account if you have less than 25k and make more than a few daytrades in less than a week.
    Mark_123 likes this.


    Yeah and lats be real most 20-somethings simply don't have $25,000 saved
    #10     Jun 17, 2020
    Mark_123 likes this.