2 yr condor

Discussion in 'Financial Futures' started by criveratrading, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. bought a 104.75/105.25/105.75/106.25 call condor in Mar 2 yrs. Paid 11/64.

    Any opinions, trade management, risk management observations?

    My thesis is that two's stay relatively well bid up here but unlikely to breakout to new highs. I expect 25 bps only of cuts thru March, with econ numbers on the soft side for Q108.

    Position is delta neutral, and I'm only unhappy about bid ask spread with bidside being 6/64.

    Appreciate all views and discussion
  2. lots of views; but no comments? bleh
  3. you might try the options forum?
  4. closed out of this yesterday at breakeven. really should have just put a bull call spread on two's and then if i really wanted to leg into the condor by selling the right wing into strength.

    lesson learned. KISS. i had a directional view; it was right, and the spread was not the right one.