2 US students sue Borat

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Pekelo, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. Wasn't Borat in an Arizona Bar when he sang that song, not the South?

    #11     Nov 11, 2006
  2. traderob


    Borat Come TO America To Look Sexy Time !!! Borat Has Very Good Powers With the Sexy Time Because He Practice This More Times Than Daugther of Kazakhstani President !!! But Now Borat Look For The Great Prostitute, . .. he thinks Paris Hilton or the Colombian Shakira , Maybe They Will Let Him To Insert To Their Vagine! Sacrifice Rat To The Goat For Borat Luck !!!
    #12     Nov 12, 2006
  3. Artie21


    This guy Borat is with isn't funny. He's atrocious.
    #13     Nov 12, 2006
  4. As funny as that scene was.. they do have a case.. The contract was most likely signed under the influence of alchohol, and under the assumption the film would be shown in a different country. Funny gimmick, but the guy is playing with legal fire. Even moreso, now that I hear one of the guys was the son of the dean of the business school.

    As much as we like to think we are not targets, everyone is just a sitting duck walking around. The legal system if it wants can stretch its arms to far fetched lengths. My personal favorite "Conspiracy to commit murder: Accessory" the conviction can come on the heels of circumstantial evidence, and its just a game of who can put on the best dog and pony act. Chances are if it sticks he would be tried in the south, by southerners who don't like being made a fool.

    Personally I thought parts of the movie are hilarious, definetly not tasteful in the least, but creative credit where its due. Creativity is no excuse for the violation of others legal rights.

    #14     Nov 12, 2006
  5. traderob


  6. LOL, that's why his movie raked up close to 100 million. Not everyone is into red neck jokes, some people actually like his satire. ROTFLMAO!! :D
    #16     Nov 14, 2006
  7. Is cohen going to defend it in character?
    Did he get them to sign the thing, in character? Now that would be funny.:)
    #17     Nov 14, 2006
  8. fan27


    I bet they knew making this movie would invite lawsuits and it was viewed as a cost of doing the project.
    #18     Nov 14, 2006
  9. neophyte321

    neophyte321 Guest

    How could he possibly get Bob Barr and Alan Keyes to sign off on this ?! Did they really crash that mortgage brokers convention like they that?!?!

    It was a hatchet job on the south. "Bush is a retard, here is where he hails from ..." These frat guys would do best just to let the whole thing quietly disappear. They came across very poorly, as did most people. That is the point.

    Definitely, sophmoric. I'm just glad theaters are dark. I wouldn't want people witnessing me laugh at such raunch. Hilarious at points, at many points, actually.

    I didn't see anyof the "Ernst goes ..." movies, but alot like that I'd bet.
    #19     Nov 14, 2006
  10. I dont know, but watching that fat guy jack himself off was not something I wanted to see. :eek:
    #20     Nov 14, 2006